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Posts posted by Boosden

  1. Amazing game, followed up our first away win in ages with our first win from behind. Exactly what we needed to get our season back on track! Brilliant atmosphere, bedlam at the end when the winner went in. Thats what football is all about, moments like those. Reminds me of the 4-4 with Arsenal in that I have went from being so despondant to jubilation in a short space of time. Bring on Spurs!

    This this and this


    Been doubting my season ticket (Terrible to say) but it's days like this that remind you why you go. Amazing 

  2. I’ve become numb to these kick in the balls in the past few years, so it was no surprise last night when I heard this.


    1: Who wants to pay us for this (Brand becomes hated, unless its Greggs)


    2: Even if we were paid £100 million there is no track record from the board for investing this money into the squad.


    3: Emirates was a brand new stadium, Eastlands, the airline paid £200 million I think (A dodge for Uefa financial financial fair play rules)


    I hate that it has been named this.

    I will get a chill down my spine whenever St James park is referred to as such, but to me and anyone who knows what they’re talking about it will always be St James park.

    They can decide to call it whatever the fuck they like but it will be called St James park long after they have gone (Dead horribly, hopefully) 

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