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Posts posted by eddco

  1. I hope they do not even consider this. We've achived nothing, we've just regained our prem status (which we should never of lost in the first). Call that arrogant or stuck up, but we should be pleased with what has been achieve, a suitbale party type celebration, and hopefully trophy presentation to take place on the pitch for the Ipswich game, then move on. No civic receptions, no open top bus tours please.





  2. Would love to see us get this going. "NUFC" on the end of it....





    The bangy lad at the back of level 7 should be able to keep the beat for this one too!

  3. Its nice to see a nice bloke succeed and be appreciated for being a nice bloke and doing a good job in a nice bloke way.


    by players, staff, management and fans.


    all to often arseholes and arrogant tits get all the plaudits...but CH has done it in a grounded, polite and respectable way from the start and has achieved success.  :clap:


  4. will miss amazing celebrations upside down/in the air/ on the floor getting trampled on in old fashioned terraces without stupid seats getting in the way where everyone goes proper mental and embraces each other regardless of who the hell they are!!!  :celb: :celb: :celb:


    Will also miss stadiums without proper toilets where blokes just piss anywhere and disgusted women folk at the match screaming "its not fucking natural!" as they negotiate through a river of piss! :mackems:


    I will also miss singing "Newcastle, United, will never be defeated"....and meaning it even when we're getting beat!  O0


    fantastic times!!!  :smitten:


  5. I thought Jose's goal may be the best moment of the season. But then I remembered the Barnsley match, Shola's hattrick, the server crash when Ranger scored, demolishing Ipswich and Cardiff, Lovenkrands scoring after his dad died, the comeback against Bristol City and of course the Spiderman mask.


    What a fantastic season its been and theres been some memories I'll cherish forever. Obviously its great to get out of this division, but just when being a Toon fan became a chore, this season has reinvigorated my love for this club. We'll all look back at this year with some very fond memories. I've really loved this season  :aww:


    Here here, alot of Toon fans (myself included) looked forward to Championship status for those very reasons! I knew the CCC would be a uniquely enjoyable experience...but I could never have foreseen just exactly how much I would have enjoyed it and rekindled my love affair with football, let alone NUFC.


    For the first time ever..I may invest in an Official NUFC Season Review DVD. But only if there is an interview with Chris Hughton on the upper deck of an Open top bus saying he "cant take anything for granted as there is still a long way to go" filmed half way up Gossy High Street!  :lol:


    And if its got a DVD exclusive on The Sale of Geremi!




    Geremi!!!  :angry:

  6. West Brom Fan:


    Firstly, what is it with a 90 minute wankfest by the commentators over the Geordie massive? I thought I'd pressed the fooking fanzone button by mistake. If I was a Forest fan I'd be fuming. I think the only Forest player who got a mention was Perch and that's because he managed to keep 'world class' Gutierrez in check. Who is a diving cheating bastard, while we're at it. They're on telly more than Jeremy bleeding Kyle.


    Secondly, time for a reality check. Newcastle are in a similar situation to us. They have one or two players who are Premiership class. Andy Carroll, for instance, will be made to look stupid by Prem defenders. As will Routledge, Ameobi, Guthrie, and most of the rest of the squad. And no. despite the dribblings of the local rag up here, Carroll will not be on the plane to South Africa unless he's going there on fucking holiday. And Messi must look at Gutierrez in training for Argentina and think 'how the fook has this happened?'


    Thirdly, the fans. Has there ever been a group of fans so firmly stuck up their own rectums? I had a row in a bar last year with a lad who told me that I should want them to stay up as they are such a massive club and a credit to the Premiership. You deluded fucknuts. Yes you're getting 40,000 crowds now but where the hell were you all in 1991 when you had 11,000 against us? You are not 'the loyalist football supporters the world has ever had'. Although you may, indeed, be the fattest.


    Which brings me on to another thing. Not wearing coats and taking your shirts off when it's sub zero and pissing it down doesn't mean you're hard; it means that you're retarded. If you must show off those pecs that you've obtained by drinking dog and eating pies, at least go to the gym so you don't look like walking heart attacks.


    Lovely city. Odious club.





    Lets keep this short...


    West Brom (Birmingham)...Odious City. Odious club. Jealous Fans.

  7. I actually agree that it was one of his worst games this season tbh. Brilliant goal though.

    its hard to say worst when he was just less very good than normal.


    he always does seem to take a game or 2 to settle in when he's missed one/been out.


    Some of his forward play in the 1st half was a bit  :facepalm:


    His defensive play was amazing. Especially the 2nd half. And the goal...it made the occasion!

  8. "A small pocket of travelling fans attempted to barrack him during the warm-up, but were silenced by some home truths from a fellow player - bringing applause from other fans."


    That is from .com's match report. Anyone know which player it was and have any idea what was said?


    Ive heard it was Harper and he said something along the lines of "if they're wearing black and white..support them or Fuck off!".

  9. 3D tv will be the next big sell by manufacturers and tv companies.


    But hold on!! Holographic tv is just a hop skip n a jump away.Imagine watching the Toon play in front of you on your table top in miniture.Beats subbuteo.






    Like the Holo Deck on Star Trek Next Generation  :facepalm:


    I would programme in roxanne Pallett and Kelly Brooke tbh!  :snod:




  10. Don't know how familiar some of you are with the Facebook group that was started, 'Overheard at Newcastle University'.  It got a feature in the Sunday Times Magazine.  Its a group where people post stupid things they've overheard from others in and around the uni.  Its mainly people taking the piss out of posh kids for saying utterly stupid things, or stuff that highlights their rich snobbery.  This is it, should you wish to have a look.  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&ref=search&gid=267692819264


    I thought for a laugh I'd start one for things you've overheard at SJP from fans in the concourses, sat around you, or in the pub.


    I'm not trying to turn us against one another, its just a light hearted thread where people can mention stuff they've heard from the mouths of other fans that have puzzled you or left you completely confused.  Also, I'm not saying keep it entirely to just our fans.



    I'll start off with an example.  At the Scunny game the other night, a bloke behind us said 'Oh, here's that Tozer lad coming on'.  Only it wasn't.  It was Kadar.  He looked like Kadar, he had number 28 on his back, and he went to LB.  Pretty much everyone knew it was Kadar.  It took them about 5 minutes to click it wasn't Tozer.  This then led the 3 of them to spend a further 5 minutes bickering about where Kadar was from.  One said Switzerland, to which his mate insisted it was Austria.  Then the third told them they were both wrong, he's German.  Finally, one clicked, and said that he was Hungarian.  They all realised.


    After this, the bloke that said he was Hungarian tried to catch another one out.  He asked another, 'where did we sign Coloccini from?' to which the reply came back 'Italy wannit?'.  His mate laughed and said 'try again' to which the bloke said 'Spain'.  He was then asked 'what club in Spain?' and again the answer came back, 'fuck knaz, Real Sociedad?'


    Dunno if its me, assuming that most people sat there would have known all of the above, but I was left a bit stunned as to how little they knew not about their own team in general, but about very recent stuff.


    Anyhow, feel free to fire away...


    Do you sit in the East Stand per chance?























  11. From an NUFC point of view I would say the UEFA is more of a spectacle as we tend to get further into it. We have a chance of winning it! (when we're in it)


    As for the CL though....the music...the extended ad breaks...the oversized advertising hoardings...the exaggerated ticket pricing...it all makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end!


    Its just a pity the whole damn tournament + NUFC reminds me of fucking John Barnes and Stuart Fucking Pearce!


    what a waste!

  12. Looks like we have more of this to look forward too....






    If the BBC get him on as a Pundit I'll be most  :angry:


    Imagine Phil Brown and Mark Lawrenson on the same settee licking each others balls!  :suicide:




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