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Merseyside Mag

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Posts posted by Merseyside Mag

  1. Sissoko is a weird one. It's very much a love/hate relationship, mainly down to his consistency. It'll be like breaking up with your missus, telling all the lads she was t***, and she done your head in anyway, gonna' move on to better girls, but when on a night out, with zero luck (sort of like getting beat 1-0 away to Norwich), texting her to come round yours at 4am, hoping she would come back.

  2. I loved Cabaye at OT.  Just remember it being a brilliant day. A mates Birthday,out all day, and a cracking week for my circle of friends. Everton had won there a few days previous (Oviedo 1-0), they were buzzing, joining in on our result, and Our Man U mates got terrorised. They were generally lost for words.


    Mentions for; Bellamy, Rob Lee (Chelsea), Shearer (Spurs FA Cup, Man U 4-3),  Big Dunc (Man U), and Tiote.

  3. I was stupidly looking forward to browsing through photos of him smiling, and having a laugh with the rest of the squad. Hopefully getting back in the mix, but no. This is what we have to put up with. You can only laugh at how stupid this situation is, or I'd just end up getting more wound up.

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