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Posts posted by paddydog

  1. My 9 year old daughter put her witchy finger hex on Bacca. She claims she was responsible for the penalty shoot out win. Was nothing to do with Pickford. Apparently.

  2. That's an amazing call to arms, incredible delusions of grandeur. Whoever wrote that has totally missed the fact that the vast majority of 3rd division level players are earn between £60K and £130K per year. That's a decent salary by most standards but chances are they are only going to see that level of income for somewhere between 8 and 12 years of their working life. After that, who knows? Possibly a job in lower league coaching, sports/fitness, maybe physiotherapy, whatever, but on ordinary wages for the rest of their lives.


    If I was a some journeyman striker in the third division the only things I would be concerned with would be a) am I playing for a professional, stable club and b) how much could I earn in the period of my contract.


    "That is why you should sign for Sunderland. Only that. So, come and be that man and feel the tender embrace of our love for the next 50 years of your life. Learn something new. Do something different. Convince yourself you have no limits. Welcome to Sunderland."


    Err, no.

  3. This comment:



    On this article:



    Is awesome!


    Blimey, I didn't fully comprehend how devastating the effects of relegation were on the denizens of Wearside........and your budgie dying.......dearie me, oh dear oh dear.....dreadful, awful....horrifying.


    I feel really bad and broken up inside, I feel like crying.


    But now for a slightly different angle on this 'bantering' club of good old lads and lasses.


    Known paedophile player, hidden and protected by at least one club officer and their manager, merely to help prevent a relegation, two seasons earlier. The paedophile's goal celebration, mocking the death of innocent air passengers, does not bear any kind of scutiny. Margaret Byrne got a good bung though, which is nice.....



    Planes with banners

    Banners inflaming hatred suspended from closest rival's iconic bridge

    Bedshheet slogans e.g. 'Rafa beneath us' (admittedly witty), 'Wank Mags' (so, so) 'Fuck off Mag scum' (not so much)

    Fascist saluting manager

    Team captain and fellow "player", smashing up cars to the tune of £4000+ in Stowell Street Newcastle, after a bout of recuperative drinking in The Toon

    Same player/captain (Cattermole) universally banned from every pub and club in Yarm (inability to hold his beer, mouth, temper)

    Happpy fans 'banter' about Demba Ba's "exploding" lips, NUFC's "Coon Army", Liam Jones, a nice lad from Hendon, "Monkey Dancing" at Romelu Lukaku, after he scores a goal at the stadium of shite. Chairman Bob Murray 'glassed by a sunderland fan whilst having dinner with his wife in a restaurant. Smearing faeces on the walls of the toilets in St. James' Park and on the wlls of the metro trains and stations, behaviour, not out of the ordinary for travelling sunderland fans (esp. for derbies). Coins, batteries and bottles of piss raining down onto Newcastle fans in the Family Enclosures at St. James' fathers, mothers and children).

    Titus Bramble and brother

    Niklaus Bendtner

    Djibrill Cisse

    John Oster.......


    their loveliness goes on and on...


    I fully expect the makems to fall out of the football leagues, go into liquidation and cease to exist. Leeds United, Portsmouth and other disasters were merely the support acts for this one.


    Sunderland are DOOMED.


    Still, the old "six in a row"* should cheer you a bit, up as you plummet towards obscurity and wait for Nissan to change their minds, eh?


    *"six in a row" refers to the number of fans per row of seating, at the stadium of shite, this season.



  4. Can someone try this to see if it works for Tapatalk on Android for them? I searched for "Tap..." in a file manager and found a folder called "com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity". Delete that and all it's contents. Restart Tapatalk and it recreates everything it needs to, after that the forums seem to come back. Might just be me but possibly the app is leaving something behind even when you un/reinstall.


    Ignore that, it only worked for a few minutes and back to being stuck...

  5. Can someone try this to see if it works for Tapatalk on Android for them? I searched for "Tap..." in a file manager and found a folder called "com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity". Delete that and all it's contents. Restart Tapatalk and it recreates everything it needs to, after that the forums seem to come back. Might just be me but possibly the app is leaving something behind even when you un/reinstall.

  6. Tapatalk problems must be a combination of the server switch and SSL I think. The traffic goes through their server so it's got to be that, plus others have reported the same issue with forums moving. Half a mind to bin it altogether tbh, the mobile theme is really quite good IMO.


    Aside from that though, any thoughts on general functionality, speed etc? Is everything working as it should? Any faster?


    How do you use the mobile theme?

  7. Tapatalk started working properly after an un/reinstall for me.


    Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

    Properly as in no long load times on individual boards and the search function? If so I might do that again.


    It was for a few minutes. Then it broke again...

  8. Tapatalk still being weird for me. I can see a list of threads with new posts form all sections but it doesn't bring anything back when you go into a specific section like football.Before it showed the list of threads in the way / order that the web version does.

  9. More from Caulkin: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/is-amanda-staveley-a-time-waster-i-dont-know-but-mike-ashley-is-wpqzwj8xk


    Is Amanda Staveley a time-waster? I don’t know — but Mike Ashley is


    george caulkin, northern sports correspondent





    ‘Did you get the feel that she’s really genuine?” The question, imperfectly put, arrived by text and it was posed by a former Newcastle United player. It is a question that a lot of people have been asking about Amanda Staveley, the businesswoman who has been attempting to buy the club and who spoke to The Times about it yesterday. It is asked, in part, because Mike Ashley has bent the debate that way.


    There is no straightforward or definitive answer, but there is a context. Can you ever make a rounded judgment on another human being? Can you base it on three or four hours? With a newspaper deadline approaching, words to write and one eye upon the clock? Of course not. That home, that office, around the corner from Hyde Park, felt substantial — grand, if not ostentatious — but that does not mean very much.


    Except the room we were talking in — grey, wood-panelled walls — was where Theresa May based her leadership campaign for the Conservative Party. Staveley is not really political, she says, but she has the Prime Minster on speed-dial and counts her as a friend. Does the PM think that Staveley is really genuine? Well, we’ll probably never know one way or the other, but there is some evidence and it looks pretty solid.


    Staveley has had her genuineness questions regarding her three failed bids for Newcastle United

    Staveley has had her genuineness questions regarding her three failed bids for Newcastle United


    What of Staveley’s pursuit of Newcastle? “It is only right to let the fans know that there is no deal on the table or even under discussion with Amanda Staveley and PCP,” a source — apparently sanctioned by Ashley — told Sky Sports News this week. “Attempts to reach a deal have proved to be exhausting, frustrating and a complete waste of time.” Staveley countered that. “I’m very much still interested in buying Newcastle,” she said. “And our bid remains on the table.”


    Another source — or perhaps the same source — told Sky Sports News this morning, “We are not aware of any bid that doesn’t contain relegation clauses and we are not considering any further talks with PCP Capital Partners.” That was interesting, because The Times is fully aware of a £250 million bid — payable in full on completion — made for Newcastle on November 17, which doesn’t contain relegation clauses. And they can consider what they want, but Staveley is not going away.


    Her three bids are there in black and white and so, too, now, is her vision for the club. Can we make a judgement on that? Perhaps not; not unless or until she buys it and gets on with it, but this is not an idle fantasy. She has held meetings with people that matter in Newcastle, with businesses, bodies and leaders (we have confirmed this, independently). She would invest her own money — a lot of it — but says she is also backed by “sovereign wealth funds”.


    There is an insidious suggestion that she is flimsy. That she is courting publicity, in spite of this being the only time she has mentioned Newcastle in public. In spite of not doing television. And nobody ever explains why publicity about an attempt to buy a football club which has not (yet) come off makes you look more credible. She would never say this and almost certainly does not believe it, but is it because she is a woman? A woman and photogenic? A woman in football?


    Ashley has lurched from one PR disaster to another during his 11 years at Newcastle

    Ashley has lurched from one PR disaster to another during his 11 years at Newcastle


    But there is another point, too, because some judgement does not have to be deferred. A time-waster? You might argue that Ashley has wasted the past 11 years. Two relegations? Yet another skirmish with it now? A horrific record in the cups? The renaming of the ground, the employment of Joe Kinnear, the abysmal treatment of legends and good men such as Kevin Keegan, Alan Shearer, Chris Hughton? A club that makes less money, commercially, than a decade ago? All that time. All that waste.


    Exhausting and frustrating? Like the last three transfer windows? Like Rafa Benitez warning that Newcastle would be in trouble if they did not strengthen last summer and Newcastle not strengthening and then being in trouble? Frustrating like their inability to put two good decisions together?


    Frustrating like the knowledge that Benitez arrived speaking about Newcastle in terms of history, stature and potential, since when he has repeatedly been confronted by the smallness of their behaviour. It feels like an endless list: Jonas Gutierrez, HMRC, Wonga, written warnings to managers for talking about transfers, the truncation of ambition, the 52,000 souls who troop to matches with their yearning deadened, hope flickering only because of Benitez.


    I do not know Amanda Staveley, but I’ve met her and I’ve talked to her and that’s better than nothing. I don’t know Mike Ashley, either, and the only way I’ve got in front of him was by buying shares in Sports Direct (with my money, not the paper’s), and asking questions at an AGM, one of the most excruciating experiences of my life. I cannot judge Staveley, but I will judge Ashley and I do. Ask yourself the question: do you get the feel that he’s really genuine?

  10. Apparently the players have cancelled their Christmas party: http://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/columnists/the-secret-footballer/if-they-bang-on-your-dressing-room-door-all-hell-will-break-loose-464635.html?&session=5pj3S+9Jfr/i6hUz6G0QJM5OiSQChkVWVXAQbWxUv14=


    THE SECRET FOOTBALLER: If they bang on your dressing room door, all hell will break loose



    Monday, December 18, 2017

    If Jose Mourinho has heard of Christmas and peace to all men and women, then he does a bloody good job of hiding it, writes The Secret Footballer.



    The thing with great managers is that they do what suits them best. If a manager is selfish and does the things that ensures he keeps his job then that gives his team the best chance to be successful.


    Alex Ferguson was a master, completely blinkered to sporting hypocrisy in his quest for success and always shameless with it. There was never enough time added on at the end of matches for Fergie, unless of course there was too much.


    Last week Jose came out with a pearler of his own. In the aftermath of United’s 2-1 defeat to arch-rivals Manchester City at Old Trafford, he accused the noisy neighbours of showing disrespect when celebrating their win and questioned their behaviour and education.


    It was later reported that he had told the City goalkeeper, Ederson, to “show some fucking respect”.


    Defeat hurts; let’s make that absolutely clear. And then there are the defeats that really hurt. Last week’s derby defeat would have really hurt Mourinho. It was billed as a war with so many individual battles on the line that the game could well affect both sides for seasons to come. It was Red v Blue, Spain (Catalonia) v Portugal, purist football v anti-football, Pep v Mourinho and perhaps bigger than anything — and for the first time in living memory — a title fight before Christmas.


    As somebody determined to be a writer, it is sometimes beautiful to throw a snowball in someone’s face. In the most respectful way of course.


    Mourinho. The manager that slid on his knees down the touchline in front of 75,000 people at Old Trafford when his Porto side scored a last-minute goal in the Champions League to make it through the tie. No shame in walking out as United’s manager years later though.


    Mourinho. The manager, who in 2010 took an unfancied Inter Milan side to the Nou Camp and knocked Barcelona out of the Champions League before goading the 90,000 spectators packed inside. It took the goalkeeper Victor Valdes to stop him, dragging him away as he gestured to the Barcelona president to keep his chin up. Mourinho called that night ‘‘the most beautiful defeat of his life’’. Barcelona employed Mourinho as their assistant for four years between 1996 and 2000. It mattered not to Mourinho.


    But football will always bite you on the arse. Always. It’s the nature of the beast and it has a wonderful tradition of bringing together juxtapositions that would be out of place in any other industry. This time of year is supposed to be a time of joy and forgiveness, reflecting, and understanding. But football carves its own path in the snow.


    Nobody cares that Christmas is around the corner in the aftermath of a football match. I’ve been involved in plenty of tunnel brawls having won and lost games. There are a few tell-tale signs of when the opposition is rubbing in their victory and it goes something like this: As the losing team you will be back in your dressing room first because the other team will be milking the win with their fans. Home or away. As they come back to the tunnel you will hear them shouting at each other, ‘get in!’ ‘yes, come on!’ and other poetic nonsense. It hurts and managers will always tell you at the time not to forget the feeling.


    The problems start if they do that outside your changing room door as they walk past. But there is one thing that is sure to ignite a fight. If opposition players start banging on your door as they walk past then all hell will break loose. I don’t care if you’re in League Two or the Premier League, banging on the opposition’s door is an unnecessary wind-up. It’s worth remembering that this only really happens if the game has been a spikey affair because even though the same amount of points are on the line it feels a little sweeter.


    I’ve seen players completely lose the plot over a changing room door being kicked and banged as victorious players wander past. That’s what happened in the tunnel at Old Trafford last week.


    Aside from the anger bubbling up at Old Trafford, there are humbugs being dished out right across the league. At Newcastle the players have cancelled their own Christmas party. Admirable. Dangerous. For the rest of the Premier Leagues squads anyway.


    The indifferent displays offered up from the Newcastle players this season could now ripple into other squads that are desperate to keep the Christmas party tradition alive but are perhaps in an even worse position in the table than Newcastle. I’m looking at you West Ham. Barely a season goes by when a West Ham player isn’t in the paper following a Christmas party. The Hammers philosophy is simple: ‘We’re doing really well, let’s have a Christmas party to celebrate’, or, ‘we’re in the shit, let’s have a Christmas party to boost morale’.


    I never cared for the Christmas party myself. Later in my career when everybody became a semi-professional photographer, I lamented the fact that I couldn’t be myself. I didn’t do anything that I shouldn’t have done but it was just the sense that you were on show and feeling very awkward with it. It wasn’t fun and fancy dress made it worse. The paparazzi and the fans snapping us as we made our way into the nightclub had no idea just how sad a clown I really was.


    Rarely does a Christmas party pass where something positive comes from it. It’s like social media in many ways, one bad tweet in what were a thousand otherwise uninteresting and safe messages before it and suddenly that’s all anybody remembers about you. Christmas parties really should be scrapped.


    I’ll be glad when this festive season is over and we can go back to the hypocrisy that serves us all so well and that keeps our game running smoothly.


    I can’t wait to hear what Mourinho will say next but I know it’ll piss me off. As I write this, I’m looking forward to my team, Spurs, playing Manchester City but I know we’ll lose and it’ll ruin my week. Football comes into its own at this time of year, tasked with entertaining us by ruining ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ for many. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  11. If you had £50 million to spend on players today and the average prices were in the £17-20 million range, so you only get 2 or 3 OR you could wait maybe 4 weeks and get similar players for £10-£15 million and more of them, would you wait or buy now?


    I feel like we're the subjects of some elaborate version of the Stanford Marshmallow experiment.

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