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Everything posted by JB

  1. Pot-dodger Pochettino strikes again.
  2. City's defence and Jackson having a shite-off
  3. Agree with this, scadenfreude and rooting for the underdog are part of enjoying football for me and they were the main things keeping me engaged with the sport in the later Ashley years when I wasn't even watching us. I just can't get excited about coefficient or get behind teams like Liverpool.
  4. Brilliant for Atalanta, hilarious to see the scousers go out.
  5. Arsenal out with a wimper, lovely stuff.
  6. Enjoyed the commentator praising Savage there for being able to add up to 28 in his head
  7. Sabitzer scores, 5-4 Dortmund on aggregate.
  8. Dortmund level now, great header from Füllkrug.
  9. Hummels sticks it in his own net 3-3
  10. Dortmund get a second, from the same spot.
  11. Dodgy tackle from Keane, utter plodder.
  12. Arguing over the pen at 4-0, what a bunch of cunts Chelsea are
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