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Posts posted by shintonsghost

  1. The main problem I see now also with atmosphere at football is game management by not only players but officials more so. The idea that they are taught these days to calm the game down to avoid incident is very troubling.


    Football is far too stop start now with little goalmouth incident to what you should get in 90mins. Ball in play should maybe be included these days to stop time wasting. Probably get 40mins actual football these days.


    The atmosphere is because of the type of crowd.lots of women around me, oldies and families, lots of "lads" dont go now.

  2. Probably our most consistent player this season and worthy of the player of the year tag. Thought he would be nothing more than a bit part player when we signed him, fill in for injuries and suspensions etc but he's been excellent. A very pleasant surprise considering how he had done at Villa.


    He's been a terrific signing.for me Shelvey is player of the season, simply because we are dog shit without him

  3. Wish we'd at least try 4-4-2 at home.  Diame or Hayden with Shelvey in the middle and Gayle upfront with the Murph. 


    not gonna happen though is it?, too much of a one directional manager, not willing to change his outlook.


    Nah, I don't think he's one dimensional but more meticulous.  I don't think he'll try anything else as a base formation until he's happy that the players know their roles and duties in that formation perfectly.


    He's very one dimentional.its been like this all season.it wont change

  4. Still at 10 for promotion. Somewhere around 8.5 for it being automatic. It's still in our hands.

    If we are in the playoffs I won't bother following to save me from the misery. It's top 2 or bust.


    i agree, we will bottle it, its in our culture, its how we go.


    still in our hands man , relax, yesterday was a right wake up call to them, lets roar the bastards up  O0

  5. I'm not joining in the WUMMING, but I feel compelled to dust-off a variant of the  'two up front' rant. The lack of variation in our home formation (pretty much lining-up as we do when away)  does two things: makes us predictable as hell; concedes home advantage which adds most benefit when we have possession football and chances to crank-up the atmosphere into something helpful rather than harmful.


    Why do either? Especially when we have three fit strikers and are without an obvious 'no.10'/AM in our usual system. RB needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and channel his internal teacher: could do better; more flexibility required.



    So you know better than Rafa? Remind me who sits top of the league? Managed by whom?


    Absurd logic which only gives credence to rival fans who accuse of a Messiah complex.


    Rafa doesn't change, whinge if you want, just accept it and crack on............we got well beat yesterday by an infinitely better side , deal with it.


    He has us on target, on top, stop fucking moaning 

  6. I'm not joining in the WUMMING, but I feel compelled to dust-off a variant of the  'two up front' rant. The lack of variation in our home formation (pretty much lining-up as we do when away)  does two things: makes us predictable as hell; concedes home advantage which adds most benefit when we have possession football and chances to crank-up the atmosphere into something helpful rather than harmful.


    Why do either? Especially when we have three fit strikers and are without an obvious 'no.10'/AM in our usual system. RB needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and channel his internal teacher: could do better; more flexibility required.



    So you know better than Rafa? Remind me who sits top of the league? Managed by whom?

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