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Divun Naa

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Posts posted by Divun Naa

  1. 52 minutes ago, kisearch said:

    I love how the reaction to the shorting of GameStop and the creation of the European Super League was done by people who are hugely and vocally antithetical to politics, let alone any kind of Marxist theory, yet there's apparently a movement of NFT advocates that think they're doing praxis. It's incredible.

    Under normal circumstances I'd agree but we now live in a world where simping has become normalised so all bets are off when it comes to rational decision making.  If anyone had told me such things would exist 15-20 years ago I'd have laughed in their face.

  2. After listening to an online friends explanation of NFT's to me and why he was keen to invest 'early' I have to admit my normally skeptical/cynical approach to all things new has changed in no way beyond - what is this shit? and why should I care?


    I'll caveat by saying my understanding may be tilited entirely towards the gaming industry and their approach to NFT's as he was the guy that explained everything to me but I can't see this becoming anything other than niche to fanboys and their interpretation of notonal value of the abstract.  To take a digital item which is easily reproduced and exists in a game/server and arbitrarily assign it a cash value that exists entirely in a world where it needs both buyer and seller to understand the niche to assign a value and determine current and future worth takes a 'special' kind of faith that said easily reproduced item wont be reproduced (hehe) and the environment it has value in still exists or you havent been banned from for other cancel culture events.  So not much to worry about there with your 'investment'


    Looking at this youtube video can give a broader take on this subject relating to Ubisoft's latest attempt to be the fore-runner with this technology.


    I'm in no way associated with this you tuber he was simply the guy that had a video that I thought may help my understanding of NFT's.

  3. Has anyone stopped and wondered why other Football Club takeovers happen either immediately or within a 24-48 hour period except NUFC's under Ashley?


    Don't get me wrong I'd love it to happen but all this protracted spculation is BS.


    Because they don't? Due diligence alone takes weeks.


    Replying to this and the others above.  I mean the first public announcement of Takeover rather than the actual full process of takeover.  Ask yourself why NUFC under Ashley dont seem to have the ability to stall the information leak until its almost complete as almost every other FC seem to have done in recent history.

  4. Has anyone stopped and wondered why other Football Club takeovers happen either immediately or within a 24-48 hour period except NUFC's under Ashley?


    Don't get me wrong I'd love it to happen but all this protracted spculation is BS.

  5. Trying to figure out which South Park character Squires' depiction of Solskjær reminds me of....

    I thought it was meant to be Mary Poppins.  Seems a familiar comparrison was once made...

  6. Dave Kitson wasn't he named as the secret footballer? not sure how correct he was with the rumours on his website or books?


    I seem to remember a story that it was him and one or two other players, because "The Secret Footballer's" career didn't ever match any single player?


    I seem to recall he came up with 'The Secret Footballer' pseudonym partly to protect his identity as most people would'nt be remotely interested in what he had to say as he was largely irrelevant in terms of being a highly influential/respected peer of his group.  The latter of which would be helpful in terms of shifting books from shelves.  Simply a clever way to sell more books due to his lack of notoriety.


    Not to be all Daily Mail about it, but it really is disgraceful that they're getting a combined 17 years or so for selling illegal football streams, when you consider the paltry sentences you see banded about for things like drunk drive sentences where someone's died as a result.

    Completely agree with you but I suspect the high sentence is due to the fact that they are a small group of inidividuals versus a rich global corporation in todays definitely no so skewed society.

  8. At this late stage I'd be surprised if it Athens.  If it does it's Kos Rafa has made in Rhodes on Ashely's spending, lets hope it doesn't Naxos.


    Should'a read the previous page, 2 don't count.

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