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Posts posted by ToonArmy1892

  1. Shelvey could be fucking Pirlo on the ball but he is that lazy off it it still wouldn't matter, you simply can't carry people in centre midfield, wing or upfront you possibly can but not in the engine room.


    In anycase, the best passers like Pirlo and Xavi still worked hard off the ball and covered loads of ground.


    Fuck this bloke, he sums up the club.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Rafalove said:

    Christ. How long has that been there for now :lol: it can’t surely be the same one.

    I think i saw two when i used to go, they've taken one down, well done mike.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

    532, 442, 811, 10 it doesn't matter.  We haven't a CB with any pace.  We have two mids worth a shit and neither of them is named Shelvey.   It's a shit club with a shit manager. 

    "We'll support you ever more"

  4. 9 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

    Hope everyone had a great day out.  Get shafted up the arse by Ashley and Premier League and they still come back for more.


    Took 90 mins and we reverted to type.  Still we had a good day and the atmosphere was great.


    Bunch of cocks the lot of them!

    It made me laugh how the atmosphere actually sounded quite loud at the start, like all is well with the club. [emoji38]..i know it's because people haven't been able to go for a while etc but still, it was just weird.


    Soon went quiet mind.

  5. 9 minutes ago, pinkeye said:


    This was what I spent time discussing with my mate yesterday....


    Kraft is bearly a Championship level defender and never a Centre Back in 100 years!  Having Schar and Lascelles on the bench seemed to be a crazy decision by Bruce, then playing Richie as a wing back when he has been shown over and over again to be short in pace was ludicrous...  


    Clark is just terrible, his indecision and nerves will have made the job that Woodman was asked to do close to impossible (bear in mind how nervous Woodman would have been to begin with anyway!)....  The sooner we get Lascelles, Schar and Fernandez as our regular starting centre backs the better, although that is far from perfect I believe it is the best option we have...


    Bruce should feel incredibly ashamed of his decisions - both in starting 11 and then his substitutions.

    Bruce doesn't do shame mate.

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