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Jilted Generator

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Everything posted by Jilted Generator

  1. Was a great track until that poxy We buy any car advert butchered the tune to bits the wankers.
  2. Jilted Generator

    Matz Sels

    Worst keeper we have signed I would agree but remember Jak Alnwick? He was fucking awful when he had that brief spell in goals when the King was in charge.
  3. Another decent chance for Brentford there. Spurs have been shit thus far.
  4. Tommy Frank is one scary looking bastard. Personification of evil.
  5. Love Isak but he’s made of fucking glass. Fuck me we can’t catch a break
  6. Looks a lot more confident does Dubs, *thats for sure *Steve Bruce voice
  7. Was there a handball in the buildup to the first goal?
  8. It’s ingrained in us man, years and years of torture and apathy will always leave those scars.
  9. Very very comfortable 2nd half in the end. Through to the next round that’s all that fucking matters
  10. These 2 bellends in the gantry still pulling each other off.
  11. More goals in this for us on the break. Isak surely will score.
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