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Posts posted by CalmintheChaos

  1. 6 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    Walker Stones Mings Trippier

            Phillips  Rice

    Sterling  Mount  Foden


    State of that [emoji38] a top striker and a couple of good attacking midfielders and the rest of it bang average at tournament level and people think England have a chance [emoji38]

  2. 13 minutes ago, Foluwashola said:

    Rumours of Tripper starting left back. Don't fuck this up Gareth ffs.


    Its coming home.

    Absolute clueless w***** he is another reason that puts me off England his selections are a joke. Imagine thinking a team with a dodgy keeper, dodgy centre halves and no centre mid capable of running a game has a chance man. Only in this country 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Incredible. Somehow tries to justify it, without batting an eyelid at his own shit opinion.


    Regarding stop and searches, why are minorities stopped and searched by the police disproportionately?

    Maybe as they are the biggest committers of gun and knife crime and most it seems to happen in largely black areas? so makes sense they get searched. I bet plenty of white people get searched too just don’t have a chip on their shoulder about it.  I don’t see the issue with been searched if they have nothing to hide and it’s for everyone’s safety I don’t get the issue it takes 30 seconds and helps keep gun and knife crime down. 

    I don’t agree with taking the knee end of and incredible you think I’m in some minority. I bet 50% of the people you all know away from this board don’t agree with it either. I’m not saying they would be as petty as me or that they would boo but I bet there is loads you all know who don’t agree with it at least.

  4. 6 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Why do you hate 'millionaire' Rashford so much?

    Because he thinks he is hard done by and even said people want to see him fail just because he’s black. Aye looks like it doesn’t it with his pro Man U contact millions in the back and England armband on. People really want you to fail aye. What about millions of white people who have had f all and struggle to put food on the table they have more of a right to complain about not having any opportunities . I just don’t agree with this knee taking at all. That’s allowed isn’t it? Or is nobody allowed to disagree with it? And all who do are some raving national front lover despite seemingly at least half the country disagreeing with it. People are allowed opinions and don’t have to think what the FA and media say.

    Anyhow up the Croats. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    We don’t have five people in jail for racial-fuelled incidents - we have hundreds, if not thousands.


    What about this data? It’s not a growing problem, is it not? It’s okay because it’s only ‘a few’ people. 200+ incidents every. single. day. 200+ people affected by something, every. single. day.


    It’s fine… nothing to see here. And that’s just the reported incidents, ignoring all of the daily jibes or micro aggressions.


    Get your fucking head out of the sand.

    I would say more and people people having social media is the main reason for that increase and what if it was racial abuse toward a white person which plenty of them cases may well be too.  

    Another thing that made me angry was that bellend Jenas saying he will tell his son to not accept getting stopped and searched by police! Incredible. What is the issue with been searched if you have nothing to hide? What if his son was to become a victim of knife or gun crime because the police stopped searching people!? 

  6. 4 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Is a black criminal - should be killed by a white police officer

    Scouser doesn’t have a ticket - should be crushed at Hillsborough

    Black player makes a bad tackle - should get 3 years in jail

    Makes a serious of fucking abhorrent posts on a forum - should….


    You’re by far the biggest fucking no nowt jumped up little simpleton to ever (dis)grace this forum. Carry on! 

    When did I say that stop putting words in my mouth man and accept there is plenty of people (millions) who don’t agree and/or don’t want to see knee taking before a football match. There only “abhorrent” as you and the pack on here don’t agree. Least I speak my mind. I bet 50% of the country would agree with me going off the reactions to the knee taking, speaking to people at work and online off this forum. Accept it’s a two way thing and people are allowed a different view to what is been pushed 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Weird. You’re fully supportive of the gestures for white British people, but not others? Those are ‘factual events’ in your opinion. So what are you saying about racism? Is that not a factual event?


    I don’t care what percentage of Rashford’s twitter following are racist towards him. Even one person is too many.


    How many lives matter at war to you in that case? Can one person die without being remembered, because it’s only 0.1% of the British Army?


    You’re not racist at all though.

    So you want it at zero? That’s never going to happen. I resent the way it’s been made out to be a problem and that we are a country of national front lovers over 0.0000000001% ( who may well not even be from this country)


    It’s like us having 5 people in jail for murder or rape and saying we have a massive problem with rape in this country. You are never going to get a crime, which is what racial abuse is, down to zero. 

    Anyhow what a way to spend a Sunday morning cheers the FA. Might turn it on once the games started to hopefully watch Croatia pass England off the pitch and little arms to drop a clanger. I don’t see any of the nations on the continent doing this for some criminal from America.

  8. Just now, HTT II said:

    Two wrongs don’t make a right FFS!

    I know they don’t just saying it’s not all one way and that we aren’t a nation of national front lovers. I’ve said I’m open to accepting that is is probably slightly more of an issue than I think but i do believe it’s all been blown out of proportion and resent been made out like we are a country of racists where blacks can’t have anything when that’s so far from reality and the truth. Hearing Sterling is starting is enough to put me off regardless. And what about Mings?! How come it never gets mentioned he should be in jail for what he did to Oliverias face not pleading how hard done by he is. He’s lucky lucky man to be roaming the streets still lets have it right. You stamp all over someone’s face on purpose you get 3 years 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sima said:


    Never been wouldn’t know but I know there are certain areas where a white man would definitely be at risk. It works both ways and things have 2 sides and are open for debate not just the FA telling us England has gone back to like it was in the 70s and bananas will be back on the pitch soon and been black means that people want to stop your path to making it as a pro footballer which is quite clearly rubbish by the amount of diverse players we have in the game in this country. Andy Cole, ASM, Willock, Ferdinand and Asprilla, they were hero worshipped! Nobody cared what colour they were. Yes they were all really good but let’s look at joelinton, he is regarded as been poor and gets loads of grief but I’ve never heard or seen anyone racially abuse him ffs

  10. 1 minute ago, Lazarus said:


    Thats a non argument to me. A lot of racists and the easily led can hide behind it.


    Football has ALWAYS been political. And always will be. Whether its singing the national anthems, the minutes silence for remembrance day or whatever, the bosman ruling, foreign owners,  the denied takeovers, the world cup being awarded to certain countries, fans singing certain songs, theres many many examples.


    If we took the politics out of football, the game would be reduced to kids in the park, jumpers for goalposts etc. But even that would be political, as some of the kids would be going hungry.



    I mean remembrance day and the poppy are events that have gone on for decades for factual events where men have laid their lives down for the greater good. Not some empty gesture as Marcus Rashford has had 0.0000000000001% of his social media following trolling him for a reaction. 

  11. Just now, HTT II said:

    Wow [emoji38]

    I don’t know if I would but I’m guessing if I went to Asia to work around dozens maybe hundreds of Asians that a minority would call me names or nicknames for been white? 

    So you are telling me if I walked down certain areas of Luton or Bradford last night I wouldn’t be at risk of getting jumped for been white? As i would say there is a good chance I would. I’ve even been told that off people who live in areas like that. Just saying it’s not all a one way thing.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    No one's asking you to be part of it. The players want to do it and now you won't watch them because of it - what about their free speech? And you talk about someone not being able to handle other people's opinions.

    Fair point but I believe they are been forced into it rather than wanting to do it. I bet they would rather focus on football and not have all this brewing around them if they could.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    No one's asking you to be part of it. The players want to do it and now you won't watch them because of it - what about their free speech? And you talk about someone not being able to handle other people's opinions.

    Because I know what the build up and post match is largely going to be about and i want to watch and hear about football not all the storm that is inevitably going to come from this today. I’m almost certain it’s all been pushed so much to cause more division and friction. Do any other countries in Europe do it out of interest and I wonder if there FA pushes it like ours do and I bet England is a lot more tolerant and diverse than most european countries.

  14. 1 hour ago, HTT II said:

    Sorry you have both had to experience such shit which no-one should have to. I’ve experienced it myself with my wife and I dread my boys having to someday too. Hopefully I’ll have armed them enough mentally, emotionally, educationally and intellectually to overcome such issues and to know that this world of ours can be unpleasant and so can people, but by and large people are good and it’s a good world we live in. People just need to be nice to one another it’s really not difficult and very simple. 

    If I went to China or Asia to work wouldn’t I be subjected to insults here and there for been white? I mean I could name several places in England where if I walked down I would get abuse for been white and more than likely assaulted. Works both ways. Knee taking isn’t going to do a single thing other than cause more division especially when like it or not it’s associated with that criminal scumbag George Floyd. Until been white is stopped been seen as some master race then this will never end. I mean most classes at schools now seem to be half white/half non white so it’s not like been non white has you in a minority growing up like it would have done decades ago. Plenty of schools where white kids are the minority.

  15. 6 hours ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:


    You are simply an idiot. You're going to have to own that, unfortunately. What the fuck does peoples' decision to make a stand against particular actions got anything to do with how you feel it makes a collective appear?!

    We have innumerous people going in to their fucking job, wholly expecting to receive abuse at the end of it for simply being who they are. Would you not feel aggrieved if you got home every day to a barrage of personal abuse because of who you are and what you do?!

    And dismissing the abuse these players receive so easily with your lazy explanations is tantamount to supporting those who are guilty of it. It's wilful ignorance and its fucking disgusting. "not saying it doesnt happen but...". Ah, sweet mate, areet then. Lets all fucking forget about it shall we eh? Fuck off.

    You dont agree with taking a knee because you dont agree that the racism that is clear to anyone of sound mind so rampant and quite clearly increasing is something to be offended at. Not something you see, eh? The fuck are people so offended at, yeah? Moron




    You just can’t handle anyone having a different oppinion than yourself. Well guess what loads of people don’t agree with taking a knee. I bet as least as many disagree with it as that do agree. You left lot make out like it’s 110% the correct thing to do with no room for debate and just call anyone who is against it racist or moron etc. Rampant racism in this country ffs :lol: I mean I’m open to accepting maybe racism is a bigger problem than I think here but not to some level where it’s rampant or like we are back in the 70s!

    State of this debate on a football forum at a tournament that is supposed to be enjoyable and an escape. All I’ve seen all weekend is people arguing about this. 

    22 year old millionaire and England captain Rashford saying how people want to see him fail and how he gets stopped from having opportunities. Nonsense. How do you think white families who are on the breadline who went to the riverside last weekend who have nowt and struggle on daily feel hearing Rashford tell them how hard he has had it. It works both ways.

    The knee taking only started off the back of a career criminal from the other side of the world which is no reflection at all on this country.  America may well have major issues yes but we don’t need that shit bringing over here and told we are the same, maybe that’s why people boo? Also if it’s not political whats with all the black power fists that plenty of players do? Looks pretty political to me. 

    It is mine and plenty of others view that we don’t agree with it or want to be part of it. It’s a perfectly reasonable stance it’s not North Korea ffs having the government and media telling you how to think and act. This whole thing has caused more division and done more harm than good, maybe that’s what they want? Yes it’s petty not watching England due to it but I can’t stand Southgate and most the players anyhow. Joke Southgate is even manager at all really. Be great to hear that Croatia have humbled them. 

  16. 22 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    Do you agree with players being racially abused? All the shite that is aimed at black players on social media and the like?

    No it sickens me but who is to say they aren’t from Russia Poland etc. Not that it makes it any better it just feels like we are made out to be some raving national front lunatics in this country when that’s far from how it is. I haven’t heard any racial abuse at work or at a match for a long long time maybe since the early 00s. Not saying it dosen't happen but when it has it has been like 1 person in a crowd of 40,000 plus, giant strides have been made over the last few decades for sure. 

    Anyhow I don’t agree with taking a knee, same as plenty don't but I wouldn’t boo it no. Nor would I applaud it. Everyone can do and react how they see fit for me that’s my take on it but it’s certainly put me off the England games which hasn’t took much as to be fair I’ve been wanting an excuse to avoid the circus 

  17. 19 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Tubes is going to be furious when he sees that. Ramming it down our throats, aren’t they @CalmintheChaos tubes?

    Don’t know who you on about been furious like but seen as I have a tag I read the comments about that and lots agreeing and disagreeing and arguing which is the exact reason why I’m detaching myself from any England coverage or games. I don’t agree with taking a knee no. Majority of people I know don’t. Lots of comments on social media online seem to be at best 50/50 over it. I mean I wouldn’t go out my way to boo it. Kneel don’t kneel boo applaud whatever jsut let people do what they like and get on with the game. Just seems to be causing more division and arguments than anything else can’t be chewed with it will stick to watching Italy games which is purely all about football. 

  18. Going to take some beating Italy. Very impressed. So well coached and look a real unit.Was great and funny to see Chiellini charging about him and Bonucci seem to be the last of a dying breed of old school Italian centre halves. Nessun dorma to open as well amazing opening. 

    Proud passionate men as well belting their anthem out and standing tall unlike England’s mumblers. Definitely my team for this Euros. Mancini is one suave bastard as well. 100x the manager and man Southgate is and people think England have any chance of winning it :lol:

  19. 5 minutes ago, tgarve said:

    Mate ????


    Please tell me You're on the wind up! 

    some of the worst comments I’ve seen on this forum

    No. Deadly serious. Won’t be watching don’t like them hope they get stuffed and I am content with my reasons why. Plenty other teams and games to enjoy. 

  20. 3 minutes ago, Foluwashola said:

    Refusing to support your nation or even manage to watch the games because of a 2 second gesture, which can be easily ignored, is a bit weird like. 

    It’s not just that tbf that’s just the last thing I just can’t be chewed with all the hype again and I really don’t like Southgate. Draining enough supporting NUFC without England on top 

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