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Everything posted by Leithtoon

  1. Thanks, appreciate that. Think I’m just a bit pissy that it felt like folk having a go didn’t factor in everyone’s circumstances, but I know where you’re coming from. Believe me if I lived locally and it was a doddle to get home, id be there til end if we wer 6-0 down (wish I did but I don’t control train timetables!) The comment on here that set me off was probably totally innocent in comparison to those that annoyed me earlier about having to be local to be a proper fan. What can I say, a few cans and boredom on a train don’t mix well!
  2. Thanks. I don’t think I’ve articulated my points very well, so again I can only apologise for that. But yeah, ultimately, this is it, I think I’ve just had the misfortune of being around our dickish fans and it’s set me off a bit, but ultimately not reflective of the wider fanbase.
  3. No when you put it like that, it’s probably fair. All I can say is I have a young family who both support my obsession with this club and put up with what that means, and it often means me being gone all day on one of our two shared off days a week. Again, like I said, was frustrated at the time and it’s not typical of me, so apologies again tor the rant.
  4. I never said they weren’t, but I assume the statistical majority of fans don’t have to spend £40+ on a weekly basis when it comes to just getting to SJP.
  5. Aye, I appreciate that and it’s nice to be amongst a bunch who get that. All I’m saying is that unfortunately that’s probably not 100% the reputation of the fanbase, but it’s probably the same for most clubs. I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t a bit triggered by a few posts earlier on here and that set off a rant that’s in likelihood better aimed elsewhere. again, can only apologise. Had a few cans and not delighted with the day out I’ve had. Sorry.
  6. Right I get it, my point has likely been warped by being in a situation where I was annoyed, and I happened to be on here during that. apologies for the rant and appreciate it probably wasn’t in the best spirit of the chat. I’m not too proud to know when I’ve gone a bit far in the wrong direction. at the end of the day, I just want to be seen as as big a fan as anyone else. sorry.
  7. No I get how that’s coming across and that’s not what I mean, so apologies for that. it’s not necessarily directed at any individual on here, and generally I feel this forum represents an impressive cross section of our fan base, so I do apologise for the rant. I was just a bit annoyed about someone having a go about leaving earlier. I appreciate I’m a more unique circumstance than the average fan, but it doesn’t hide the fact that I do feel often when I’m in town before a game that I’m made to feel a “second rate fan” due to simply not having a season ticket. Believe me I tried and would also probably have one could I have afforded it during rougher times. Ultimately all I’m saying is I don’t want our fanbase to devolve into that as success becomes more prevalent. apologies to anyone I upset with previous comments.
  8. You know, maybe not the right thread, right enough, but I’m on a train surrounded by it and it’s put me in a right foul mood. I’ve supported the club before some of you were even born and the way I feel spoken about because I’m not a born and bred Geordie online makes me feel like I can’t be part of this anymore.
  9. Ach you know what, go fuck yourselves. The attitude of fans since we made a final has been a disgrace. i (through random circumstances) ended up with a spare ticket for the semi. I asked on Twitter if anyone wanted to simply swap it for a game I couldn’t get, plus I would make up the price difference. I got hammered with abuse for being a tout despite that making no sense. all i am saying is too many of you take it for granted and can be real shitheads towards those of us that are forced into putting in a lot of effort.
  10. Hi, I’ve made an account purely because I think this needs to be said. I am originally from as backwood as you can get in Scotland. However, in 1994 my dad’s sister marries a Georgie and he bought me a kit as a 5 year old and that was that. Newcastle results have defined my weekend mood for nearly three decades now. I tried to get a season ticket this season but joined 3000th out of a 40000th queue. So now I pay the cost of a ticket every game Individually, plus the cost of transport (and if midweek, a hotel too). I’ve missed 3 games this season at St James, at a cost of well into the thousands already. I also left early today. I had a chance to get a train back to my family half an hour earlier, and given the score and performance, I took it. What I wanted to say is this week I have seen the worst in you lot, complaining about who got tickets for the final and who didn’t, as if it doesn’t come down to luck or simply being able to afford it during a tough time. The performance over tickets from some fans (I can’t go, I have my brother in laws wedding the same weekend) has made me feel so so unwelcome in town as a non local fan, to the point that I feel like I may not come back beyond this season, despite the fact that as a supporter, I probably put in more than effort to be so than the bulk of you.
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