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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. On the one hand. You just have to believe. On the other hand. It's the hope that kills you.
  2. Gonna assume its Barnes and not Elliott your talking about... 😄
  3. So many links between the two clubs man. Beardsley. Keegan. Barnes. Rush. Owen. Souness. Dalglish. Probably missing loads more! 🤣
  4. Itv showing the Sky Sports buildup? Cost cutting at its finest...
  5. Redemption coming up! Missed the last final because of the red card against them. Clean sheet in this final against them?
  6. So far anyway... 😁
  7. The build up should be fun. They may even mention us at some point...
  8. The Schar special... 😅
  9. You're forgetting the nailed on VAR penalty so Salah can score...
  10. Joe1984


    Well. As long as they are leaving the seagulls alone... 🤣
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