Oh aye. The fact he has gone to Brighton makes me a little nervous that he is going to be baller (they don't get much wrong). If he is the second coming of Messi I will be sick.
If you can make 5 times what you bought a player for in todays game, more often than not you have to take that and be ecstatic with it.
When it is a player like Minteh who is an unknown in the league it is more paletable. But even if it is a Bruno, who can bring in £100m you probably have to take it and trust your scouting network to make it work. One bad injury and that £100m man can become worthless very quickly.
I say all this realising we get attached to players and if Isak, Bruno or Gordon were to leave i'd struggle to be happy about it mind.
The fact that PSR is now the number one topic in the premier league is abysmal in my opinion and I hope something changes.
I'd love to know what offers we have had for our players. The likes of Longstaff, Anderson, Miggy, Wilson, etc.
Whether a selection of those could have gone instead of Minteh. I suspect there wasn't a great deal of interest.
What a day that has been.
Whether stories have been planted to soften the Minteh sale, drive his price up, etc (I expect there is at least an element of truth to this). The one takeaway I have from today is we need a DOF in place as soon as possible who can navigate these issues in a much more timely manner.
I think we are all aware that unless we can find a few more 'Mintehs' in the future a purple will need to go at some point. Hopefully Nickson and co have a few lined up.