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If possible I would sell Michael Owen in Jan...


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Guest Sniffer

Oba needs to run onto through ball from the right not be stuck in the middle jumping for butterflies.


*If only I'd done those f****** coaching badges*


Sort this lot out in 2 weeks.


Sounds too confrontational and aggressive to me, Parky. That heavy handed, Souness-like approach doesn't work these days and, quite frankly, dinosaurs like you scare me.

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Oba needs to run onto through ball from the right not be stuck in the middle jumping for butterflies.


*If only I'd done those f****** coaching badges*


Sort this lot out in 2 weeks.


Sounds too confrontational and aggressive to me, Parky. That heavy handed, Souness-like approach doesn't work these days and, quite frankly, dinosaurs like you scare me.


Perhaps I've come across wrong.


What I mean is talking to the players individually about their roles and also listening to them about how they feel and read the game...About how to squeeze play when defending and then finding space when attacking...About showing them videos of the old Lazio systems and the old and new Man U systems and what the differeances are in the approach with and without the ball...About appointing the correct captain and not the first bloke who wanders past the office....and a million other things. There is no point enforcing a system on players who a) clearly don't understand it b) aren't really suited to play it. On the other hand SA has done a lot of good things as well.

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