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Would you trust Allardyce with Ashley's money?


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Guest shaun11177

Mort is expressing what we are thinking, no-one is asking for instant success, what we want is the team to play to its potential, which is something like 8th in the lge. I dont think thats asking too much. Mort is saying to Allardyce show me you can get this set of players playing to their full potential and then you can come to me and say look i cant get any higher than 8th with this lot, if you want higher next season further investment is required.

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Mort is expressing what we are thinking, no-one is asking for instant success, what we want is the team to play to its potential, which is something like 8th in the lge. I dont think thats asking too much. Mort is saying to Allardyce show me you can get this set of players playing to their full potential and then you can come to me and say look i cant get any higher than 8th with this lot, if you want higher next season further investment is required.


Well said. I don't think Mort is the type to mess about with mind-games and the like. Every interview I've read, he's played with a straight bat.

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Allardyce faces block on January arrivals

By Michael Walker

Published: 27 November 2007


The Newcastle United chairman, Chris Mort, yesterday tried to give Sam Allardyce the club's full backing following Saturday's demoralising 3-0 home defeat to Liverpool, and the humiliating reaction of the home fans towards Allardyce. Mort's response to a question about supporting his manager in the long term came in the reply: "We would like to," which is different from saying, "We will."


The ambiguity in his answer will not reassure Allardyce and neither will Mort's opinion on the need for new signings in January to help address the present slump. "We need our team performing on the pitch as a unit," Mort said, "I don't think adding new players will necessarily sort that out."



Not being funny, but what if Fred had said that bit in bold? I reckon World War III would have kicked pretty quickly with people on here banging on about him interfering in team affairs and talking about stuff that's nothing to do with him. Which would be true of course and which apply to Mort in this instance. Whether or not we need new players is one for the team manager to decide, not for Mort to decide.


i agree, but as you've said yourself, the board don't seem convinced by allardyce as he wasn't their appointment, so should they entrust him with big funds? we made that mistake with souness who blew £50m, very little of it spent wisely, which set us back in football terms as well as financially (decreasing future funds and increasing debt which ashley had to pay off so he has effectively paid the money for the likes of Owen). you could read mort's comments as saying 'it doesn't matter how much we let him spend, if he can't get the team playing well it will be money down the drain' - mort is perhaps suggesting tht the problems are down to Allardyce rather than the quality of the squad. i'm not saying we don't need more players, we're short when it comes to creativity and also lack a bit of athleticism/pace, but the question is, do you let Allardyce have the funds to sort it out in january or do you wait till the summer and a possible new manager?


i could well see mort and ashley give allardyce little backing in january then when they get a new managfer in the summer, give him a big kitty. the quotes in the papers today seem eerily like the dreaded 'vote-of-confidence', when mort was asked if he backed sam he said words to the effect of "i'd like to" not "i already do". so if allardyce doesn't turn it around quickly he could be out sooner than we think.


Aye, decent post.


As I've said already, I don't think Allardyce is the right man so I wouldn't give him the money to waste.


I'm not getting carried away with the quality of the players at the club. I do think we could do better with a better manager but we still need players.

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