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Newcastle’s Michael Owen, Not Only Injury Prone But Also A Blithering Idiot...


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Guest rebel_yell12

Owen is spot on.  If you read his entire article (not on that site, conveniently, try finding the actual paper that did the interview) it's about the team and playing under pressure.  The England players as individuals are better, but they lost -- Owen's trying to explain why (it's in the head, not the talent).  Yes, the timing is poor, but he can't control the questions he's asked -- and how would you expect him to answer?  'Yes, the team's all shite'...and then go back and play with those same lads?  Not likely.  It is about more than the individual talents, which is what Owen is saying, and I quite agree with him.


Given the choice, price tags not withstanding, which Croatian player would you buy over the Englishman at that same position?  England's starting XI assuming all are fit -- so of Rooney, Owen, J. Cole, Gerrard, Lampard (?), SWP (Beckham? ouch, that hurt to type), A. Cole, Ferdinand, Terry, Richards and whatever shite keeper we have out there.  Who, of the Croatians XI, would you pick over whom?  

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You're in denial. Just because you don't know the Croatian players well doesn't mean they aren't better footballers. In fact, based on the technically outstanding display from last week, I'd reverse the question and ask you which English players are technically good enough for their team? I can only think of Rooney. Your style of play is obviously very different, but it is no coincidence that England look especially vulnerable against technically stronger teams..

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Guest Sniffer

So you would'nt want Gerrard? Or lampard? Or Terry? Or Joe Cole? I find that hard to believe.


Technically speaking of course speaking technically.

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Croatia have one of the best defences in europe so no England player would get in. Obviously none of our keepers would get in, Modric would be in before Gerrard or Lampard, Kranjcar would be in before Joe Cole and Eduardo would be first choice striker.


After that maybe you'd have a case for an England player.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

I think the question should be how many English players would get in the Croatia team.


Good point, but try telling that to the "in-gur-land great - I know because they said so on Sky" brigade.

I think it was fucking hilarious that in-gur-land got beat off Croatia, but it won't change a thing when all the hype starts next time and the same mugs will believe we are worlds best team.       

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It doesnt matter which English players are better individually or valued higher than Croatian players.


If some top class foreign players arent suited to the Premiership, then logically, some top class Premiership players arent suited to international football. Its not one rule for one, another rule for others as we see fit - if the Premiership is so different to international football, or football in other countries, to the extent that specific types of players (ie more technical than physical) have to adjust in order to succeed, then it only makes sense that some players who are great in the Premiership cant transfer that form and ability level to the international stage because its a different type and style of football that is often played and required.


Lampard in particular to name one.

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Guest Ironskull

Perhaps it means that besides differences in technique, there are other differences between footballers that don't often get mentioned, but which are significant.


Of the players with good technique, those that prosper most in the PL are the ones who are capable of learning a single specific role well, in the context of their team's system, where each player's role is dovetailed to his own talents. They've often been signed by astute coaches who recognise this quality. Those players don't need to be particularly adaptable, especially nowadays, when squads are so large and every position has a specialist in reserve. But international football requires players to be somewhat more adaptable, capable of learning new tricks very quickly, and playing with players whose abilities and styles of play they aren't familiar with.


Perhaps Mr Owen is correct in some respects about the respective playing abilities of England's and Croatia's players, but I'd suggest that Croatia's players are both mentally stronger, and cleverer that England's, and therefore better suited to international football than England's.

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