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100 years of the PFA - every single league club's best ever player


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Guest Knightrider

"as voted by supporters" - well I never got a vote and neither did all the people who are now deid


As far as I can see from all the folk I've ever talked to who watched at SJP since WW1 our list is:-


1,  Hughie


2.    Milburn


3.  Shearer


4.    McCracken or Scoular



5.    Len White



and the best keeper still plays there



Not Tony Green or Pedro?


green was ok but "great" - i think not


pedro .... tough call, probably would make an all time XI but not really top 5


and I never saw Hughie, Mcracken or Milburn play in a competitive match - I can say that people who saw Hughie, Milburn, WHite and Shearer ranked Hughie best


and, as I said they all reckon thet Given is about the best keeper we've ever had


Quite a few older fans I speak to reckon they've seen many better footballers for the club than Milburn who wasn't that great a player in individual terms apparently. Although they all agree he's an absolute legend and that he was a top top striker, just not the greatest they've seen. These people I talk to say Shearer was streets ahead as an all-rounded footballer, but even he seems to lag behind some of the following names: Green, Beardsley, Gazza when he first broke through, Len White and Bobby Mitchell among others.


For me Beardsley is probably the best footballer I've seen, with Shearer being the greatest all-rounder.


Wee Hughie though... from what I've read about him no-one could hold a candle to him.


A bloke I know who is 62 and of the Milburn era, reckons all his father and anyone into football ever talked about was Gallacher, how no-one could hold a candle to him, not even Milburn and other greats down the years.


Most exciting player a lot of the older gen fans seem to recall is Supermac, watching some of the clips I can perhaps see why.


Just great that we've had so many greats playing for us.

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