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Yeah and who appointed them?


Have you actually read the original post or the rest of the thread?


Mike Ashley did. He hired them to look after the day to day running of the football club because no doubt, being a billionaire businessman, he doesn't have the time on his hands to do it himself. Blaming Ashley (if the scenario i've portrayed is correct) is like

blaming the owner of ASDA because your local branch has run out of baked beans - he hired the man who hired the man who hired the man who hired the woman who hired the person that orders the baked beans, therefore the owner must be killed!

NO IT'S NOT.  HE'S ONE LEVEL REMOVED not 20.  I could understand absolving him of blame if he was 20.  But he wasn't.
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Its nothing like that , if Ashley appointed people who are unable of doing the right job then he must be held responsible. I refuse to believe he was not involved in the board room discussions.

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Guest SmileyCulture

To be fair, the guy is a billionaire business man, if he'd had any real control over the situation could you really see him letting the situation spiral out of control like it did? he's obviously got far too much business sense not to anticipate this reaction, why would he willingly bring this headache/very possible downturn in ticket sales upon himself?

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Its nothing like that , if Ashley appointed people who are unable of doing the right job then he must be held responsible. I refuse to believe he was not involved in the board room discussions.


If Ashley hired the people who caused this sitaution the he should be held responsible?

Great idea moron, what happens to the people who were actually responsible for it then? They sit back in their plush offices and laugh at you for directing your vitriol at a man who probably isn't even in this country.

Do you realise how stupid you sound? Let's not target the criminal, let's target his parents for having him in the first place.

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Steve what are you talking about, i think your the one who is sounding stupid here. Do you really believe that after investing hundreds of millions Ashley would let some one else make such major decisions without even having a say?

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Yes i do Spark, it's called business FFS. How do you think it works?

Someone buys a company and then puts people in charge to look after the day-to-day running of it. How would he possibly have time to run Sports Direct, Newcastle United and all of his other business ventures?


Take Alan Sugar for example, he hires people to manage different arms of his portfolio. They all report into him but he puts his trust in them to manage his companies for him. That's how he can be involved in so many different business projects at any one time. If he tried to do it himself he'd be fucked!


What exactly do you think the Chairman of a football club does?




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Even if that was true, it would be a hard sell to the fans, plus many would say he didn't do enough to keep KK, such as sack Wise etc...


Surely that's the Chairman's jobs isn't it, not the owner's. The owner puts someone in charge of running the football club, that person in this case is Derek Lambias. He will therefore be responsible for the hiring and firing of all other staff won't he?

I'm pretty sure if Keegan wanted Wise and Jimenez sacked he would have to take it up with the Chairman of the football club not the owner.


Llambias is the Managing Director (and not a Chairman) just read the news article on the official site for when he was appointed. A Chaiman is a higher position. Derek's quote in the same article also states that Kevin keegan will be <b>"fully supported"</b> by MA and the fellow directors which means MA has input in the running of the club so he will know about it.

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I give up.


The whole point of this thread was to suggest that perhaps Ashley was out of the country when the s*** hit the fan, and that the damage was done before he had a chance to do anything about it. After all, he does have bigger (more successful) business ventures than Newcastle United to look after.

Keegan is a fragile character and it's quite feasible that something said to him by the Chairman in the presence of Wise and Jimenez was enough to make him resign. Clearly this concept is a lot more far fetched than Ashley flying back from his US business trip with only a few hours notice to tell Keegan that it's his way or the highway.


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