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Andy Cole's last appearance at SJP

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Sang derogatory song about 'Sad Geordie Bastards'


Yes, the tw*t DID.

Never apologized, either - the ars*hole.

Gary Neville did apologize,  though and he never played for us. Cole did, and didn't apologize.

I voted silence, and a private two fingers.


We should rise above it.


We were big enough to applaud Teddy Sheringham off the pitch last year, we shoudl do it with our lost one


I adored him.


The Teddy Shearingham applause irritated me.


If I am there when Cole has his farewell there'll be silence from me. No forgiveness, but no booing either.

Well said - the Sherringham applause irritated me too - a bunch of silly sods doing what the media told 'em to.

I'd have totally ignored him.

As per Cole, correct - no forgiveness, and no booing. But personal dislike for his treachery.

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