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Which takeover?

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Guest Deep456

full Shep ownership to piss off the sanctimonious twats behind nufcfinances and nufcmismanagement


that'd be me then  :winking:


surprisingly re-appears again when the team lose.


Like flies to dogshit.


Hows your mate from the Post Office getting on these days, will he be getting his old job at the FA back  :lol:


Surprisingly some people have jobs, you should try one as it might help develop your brain.


Who is my mate from the post office?


:lol: you should get a job or don't you have one because you can't read :lol:


Are you really macbeth ? Are you the same person or really sisters ?


Do I detect the voices in your head are about to make you come out with one of your usual lies?



:lol: What lies are those :lol:


I think this guy won the argument as he has two points their.

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