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Watch a Geordie team for nowt.

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Guest Geordiesned

If you Northerners can see anyone over 50 miles south as COCKney I feel I am in my rights to see you lot as Mackems :D


Shut it you southern shandy drinking tart! :D

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So up to now we've established: Me, Rocker, Tom_NUFC, Northern Monkey, NE5 and HTT are proper geordies....anymore or is that it?


I'm from Wallsend, like, and so I demand access to that elite list of brilliant Geordies - although I did live in North Shields/Tynemouth for a good dozen years.


How the ferk are people from North Shields not Geordie, by the way? Are people from Cullercoats/Tynemouth/Whitley not, either? What about Blyth?

All mentioned areas - geordie.  Other than Blyth cunts.

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Guest thenorthumbrian


All Geordies are named after George Stephenson's helmet....

Why did he call his bell-end Geordie?


Its the other way round which is why all us bell- end Geordies are called  what we are...


The Geordie accent is very well known these days but why are the people known as Geordies? George Stephenson better known as the railway pioneer invented the worlds first miners safety lamp and when miners in other parts of Britain adopted the newer Davy lamp the miners of Co Durham and Northumberland stayed loyal to Stephensons’ design the miners in other parts of the country started calling the North East miners Geordies."






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All Geordies are named after George Stephenson's helmet....

Why did he call his bell-end Geordie?


Its the other way round which is why all us bell- end Geordies are called  what we are...


The Geordie accent is very well known these days but why are the people known as Geordies? George Stephenson better known as the railway pioneer invented the worlds first miners safety lamp and when miners in other parts of Britain adopted the newer Davy lamp the miners of Co Durham and Northumberland stayed loyal to Stephensons design the miners in other parts of the country started calling the North East miners Geordies."






No shit? That's only one theory though iirc.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

All Geordies are named after George Stephenson's helmet....


it's from 'King George's Men' actually


not surprised a Jacobite would want to deny that fact though

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