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Would it be fair to say.....?

Guest hindu times

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Guest Knightrider

It is a catch 22 situation. If fans didn't get on the backs of players and the team, maybe they would play better, however if the players and team played better, fans wouldn't get on their backs. At the end of the day though it is down to the management, team and players to make the fans happy. The days of fans turning up in full support, win, lose or draw, are long gone. Perhaps if prices weren't so expensive and players were earning their wages like the common man.... we could get back to those days.


The ticket prices are a big part of the problem imo.  People can go on about these terrible fans that turn up to games expecting to be entertained etc., but people are paying £30+ for tickets and they're not doing it to blindly get behind a bunch of millionaires or their millionaire manager regardless of effort expended/ability demonstrated.  There are certain expectations that come with those sort of ticket prices, and NUFC have been failing to meet those expectations for some time now.


I mean, can anyone honestly say that they're looking forward to next season, or to their renewal form dropping on the mat?  I'm fucking sure I can't.


Exactly, to follow Newcastle today asks a lot financially and I have to say, fans have done amazingly well to stick by the team these past few years, at any of the top 4, if they had of put in the performances we have and lost points like we have, there would be hell on. I'm OK with moans and groans when things are this bad, it is the moans and groans that accompany good performances and good results that get on my tits, but we haven't had too many good performances in the last 3 years, or the results. Improve on that and there will be fewer moans and groans, dead simple.

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