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Not withstanding any sort of protest on season tickets


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Has there been any clues as to whether prices are going up, coming down or staying the same for next season?


Whatever Fat Fred is I am sure he is not completely stupid and judging by the number of people left in the ground for the lap of honour / centre circle applause after the Blackburn match he must realise that dropping the renewals on our doorsteps next week with anything other than a significant price drop will be met with resounding astonishment!!


I guess I am one of the cretins that are regularly mentioned on here that would probably renew without question season after season, well I actually have renewed season after season regardless of the tripe I have been forced to watch because I always think that next year will be better!!  This year is different, I am giving serious consideration to not renewing until the very last minute before the season starts or worse (for the club) just going to selected games through next season and not renewing at all.


I know people who have been season ticket holders a lot longer than me who feel the same and in some cases a lot worse.


I guess a lot will hinge on the bottom line next week, how much we have to fork out.........

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