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Diego 'rumour'

Guest firetotheworks

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Diego would be a dream signing. We could really build the team around him, unlike Riquelme, Deco, etc, even if they may be better players at this point in time, because hell be at the top of his game in 5 years time. Shame itll never happen.

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Guest unrealterrorist

bullshit we would never sign him. he would never come and i dont see him playing in big sam style.


How is that bulllshit? Just because you think we would never sign him doesn't mean that the news is false. Think before you write

HEY WHO DO YOU THINK WE ARE ?WE ARE NOT GOING TO SIGN DIEGO BEUCAUSE WE ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH,plus what you read first on goal.com is just  bullshit.

you are just delusional if you think that we have any chance of signing him at this time

:idiot2: :idiot2: Think before you write  :idiot2:



Glad we all dont think like you or we would never have got owen(ok i know i know when he is fit) or shearer plus sam could sell a newcastle season ticket to a mackem remember that.

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