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Everything posted by Wubble-UC

  1. And what exactly do you plan to do about that, hard lad!? Who's a hard lad ya daft c***? I have two broken hands, more metal in my face than robocop, so the idea of me fighting any c*** doesn't really appeal, so why say "hard lad" f***ing nobhead. I'm just saying the way he goes on, on their board, is like Eyal Berkovic sucking Hitler's cock as far as I'm concerned. Who asked yee anyway ye fuckin prick. You asked, when you had a pop at one of my mates for nee reason. Being a mate I thought I'd stick up for him, but having read a post like that one above, I'd presume you havent got any mates eh? So you probably wouldn't understand that. For fucks sake. :roll:
  2. And what exactly do you plan to do about that, hard lad!? I'll tell you what, you should find out exactly why Greg is quite pally with some of them before you have pop at him. I fucking detest Spurs, but I'm not arsed about the fact one of my mates gets on with some of them. Still, I'm sure it makes you feel really good and really loyal to the cause. :roll:
  3. Wubble-UC

    Our away fans

    Didn't see this thread but I've said my bit in the 'Police at Everton' one.
  4. Wubble-UC

    Police at Everton

    Sad day in general today. I like to have a good few pints, a good bit of singing and a good bit of banter as much as the next blerk. However, never in my years of travel, have ever I seen so many pissed up children in an away crowd. F***ing disgraceful behaviour from a lot of them aswell. On coaches, in the pubs, and in and around the ground. It was like being at a f***ing Chimps tea party! Nee wonder the Police didn't have much patience.
  5. I'd take anything you here about tickets with a pinch of salt, until you actually find out from the club etc.. Don't presume that there'll be a big allocation, and if you arent 'well travelled' in the clubs eyes, be very cautious with your travel arrangements, as this could be a very small allocation. Apparently, Ajax were only allocated 900 tickets for the game, and any ticketless Ajax fans who made the journey over to Ghent were refused entry not only to the stadium, but to the town itself! Ignore fucking ridiculous articles like this: http://www.newcastleutd-mad.co.uk/news/loadnews.asp?cid=TMNW&id=314186 as they've totally made all of that up, and they've even got the wrong ground. Should be fucking shot for writing complete bullshit like that.
  6. Wubble-UC

    Song for Sib

    Exactly. Really took off just after the game in Tallinn, outside a bar next to the ground. Nee substitute for it IMO, although there's been some funny ones in here.
  7. I was actually quite shocked at how long it stayed cool! Four of us got rid of both of them within about half an hour, and the beer was still cool when we finished.
  8. Cheers! 2 Litre glass that ye naa! I was pouring it into a smaller one like. :oops:
  9. Here ye gan.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/G-B-B/LiamOBrien.jpg
  10. Wubble-UC

    Fake NUFC gear

    Aye, it was in a paper ages ago, and I took a pic. Not the best, but camera phones were wank back then.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/G-B-B/Shitereplicashirt.jpg
  11. As has been mentioned, the biggest problem with having one of these is some of the fucking nacker brain radgies that'll turn up, especially right in the middle of half term. It needs more advertising and planning if it's going to get the attention of the people who will do it sensibly, and take it seriously not just to get on the telly. SSN will have a feild day if a bunch of pissed up bairns gather outside. On the 'United for change' bit.. It's a canny idea, but FFS is that thick he'd probably just read it and sack roeder. Not what we want as an outcome..
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