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Posts posted by wellsy

  1. GNev2 G.Neville


    @RobbieSavage8 what a wonderful career you haven't had!! Send me over your in house beautician !!


    Robbie Savage Robbie Savage | RobbieSavage8


    @GNev2 mate found a pic of you early days !!! Lol



  2. Geremi gets a seriously bad rap at this club and I can't figure out why.


    He's the only player who can run and yet go backwards.


    He's not the worlds best footballer by any stretch of the imagination but he gets absolutely slated for no good reason.  He has never done anything but go out there and give 100% (even if his 100% is not up to everyone's par) and been a model professional and yet gets tons of schtick.  I just don't understand it.  There are far worse footballers and professionals at this club that get no where near as many negative words attributed to them.


    He is complete and utter wank. He was a complete embarrassment in his last game for us. He was boo'ed as he went off and deservedly so.


    It wouldn't surprise me if his contract isn't paid up in January.


    Booing a player is never ever deserved and if you do, you are a "charva" (as you all call it) and deservedly so.  Go somewhere else and be a douche.  If you boo, you are one of two things: 1) a young kid or 2) an old bitter drunk.  Have a word with yourself before you outwardly boo and learn to actually support a team.


    I spend about £1000 per season on tickets home and away so I'll choose to boo any fucker I think deserves it. I've EARNED the right and so have many others.


    I like the 'old bitter drunk' bit mind!


    How does spending money on a season ticket earn you something? Are we going back to the 'soopa fan' ways are we?

  3. Newcastle united play in black n white stripes and have done for over 100 years. 


    We dont play in some black n white stripes and a patch.


    THis fcking patch lark is to let w*** heads like Mike Ashley bring in extra coin and the adidas douche bags need to be f***ing shot.


    Fck history and tradtion lets make dosh.


    Fcking scumbags, pisses me right off.   If i went to the Sistine Chapel and wiped s*** all over it i would expect a beating of a life time.


    c***s f*** off, it wreaks of Mike Ashley.


    Pretty sure it is a UEFA ruling these days.


    UEFA decided last winter that to ensure players identities were clearly visible on striped shirts, the names and numbers should he displayed on a plain background. But Southampton supporters have taken the hump and set up a counter-campaign called 'Save Our Stripes'. This ruling [by UEFA] had been introduced, without consultation with either the clubs or the fans. Because Southampton had already produced their shirts, they have been given special dispensation for this season.


    This was when the saveourstripes.org.uk campaign came out in 2002 or 2003. Pretty certain it is an FA ruling now but i stand to be corrected.

  4. someone help me out here, the way i understand it, hes not actualy with lyon any more as in he was a free agent looking for a new club?, was it his decision to leave lyon? or did they not want him? which is it? and only 6 games last season? thought he was class?


    Fell out with Houllier after he didnt want to sign a new contract, hence no games.

  5. http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/75848943.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193954D253045690004F5B9B01469289A6A


    Not the best cup I've ever seen.


    what the heck is Blatter doing there?! >:(


    Is there a problem with the President of FIFA handing over the Asian Cup?

  6. The ref in this 3/4th play off is a joke. The sending off was iffy and then the dismissal of 3 staff on the South Korean bench was even more ridiculous. Wasted about 5 minutes of time as we waited for them to head up stairs. Just get the game to move on!


    Korea (10 men) 0-0 Japan after 62 mins.

  7. Uzbekistan were just robbed a goal, about 1.5m onside when the ball is played and the keeper fumbled it and he taped it in. The ref signaled offside and it is still 1-0 to the Saudi's.


    Once again some more dreadful reffing in the Asia Cup.

  8. Iran brought on a specialised keeper in the 119th minute for the penalty shootout which is about to get underway. Thought that was interesting.


    Then he moved about 20m off his line before the penalty was taken and it was allowed.


    Korea 1-0

    Iran 1-1

    Korea 2-1, GK went early again.

    Irans 2nd penalty is saved, still 2-1 korea.

    Korea's 3rd penalty is saved with his leg, Korea 2-1

    Iran 2-2

    Korea 3-2

    Iran's 4th penalty is saved, attempted a drive down the middle and it was saved by his legs and now limps away from goal. Korea 3-2

    Korea 4-2 and through to the Semi's.


    Korea now play Iraq in the semi.

  9. The fans were the most hilarious part, the cheering of every single Beckham touch. Then to see him get a knock on the ankle again and then the look on the fans faces, priceless.

  10. Who said Viduka was injured??


    No idea, it's weird taking of Viduka in the 60th min when he did well for the entire game and looked a great threat in front of goal.


    If it's a tactical switch by Arnold, that guy made Australia lose this.


    I think there is a ref who had more influence in the final outcome.

  11. Who said Viduka was injured??


    He was subbed off in the 60th minute, which was strange but one of the posters here jumped to say he was injured. Im not sure whether he is or whether it was a tactical switch by Arnold. However he would of usually taken off Aloisi before Viduka. Im sure once he gets back to Newcastle and rests up for a week or two he will be fine and dandy anyways. If there was an injury it wasnt huge.

  12. Gutted absolutely gutted, oh well what can we do. Arnold out!!


    Got to be gutted the sending off changed the game though. But not much you can do.


    We didnt deserve to go through anyways with some poor performances. Penalty shoot outs are all luck though and i think we used all of ours up before this game.

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