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Posts posted by wellsy

  1. We are holding the ball up in the corner already, love it  :lol:


    And if Australia lose the penalty shootout, i am going to laugh.


    Good on you, if we lose i will say bad luck and if we win i will say well done.

  2. I take it this game goes into extra time?


    Any news on Viduka?


    No news on Dukes and yes extra time has just started.


    To be fair it was a pretty hard elbow to the face, whether it was intentional is hard to say. Both teams gettng very testy now. Australians feeling very hard done by at the moment.

    Though I wouldn't mind seeing Smoggy Shwarzer let in another.



    Hard? It happens every game when a player jumps for a ball. No doubting there is contact but to be given a straight red for a challenge in the air is harsh, very harsh. As i said Shearer would of been sent off a zillion times if we had this ref.


    There is also no doubt that it wasnt intentional, Grella isnt that player. As every player is told to jump with their arm to get my height into the jump. You see it a million times in the EPL.


    On second thoughhts you're right that was really harsh, a yellow would have been suitable. Although what you can get away in in the EPL you can't get away with in any other place in the world.


    Frankfurts Takahara is decent, I'd have him over Ameobi but not much more.



  3. Hope there are no Australinas on here ... but I hope Australia lose as we need Viduka fit and ready for the season. I can't believe he is injured!


    Is this game on TV by the way?


    Watch online mate. I can't believe it too but he's probably pulled some muscles.


    Viduka just received the injury curse, it didn't take long.


    Is that confirmed that he is injured?


    Injury curse, haha. If it is a strain it will take him a week, if that to get over it. He could do training etc.


    As i said dont jump to conclusions and dont get your knickers in a knot. Not like he broke his leg or has torn any ligaments.

  4. No confirmation of whether Viduka is injured or whether it was a tactical move but it was a strange sub.


    If anything it might be a strain at max, he seemed fine when walking off.


    Dont get your knickers in a knot lads!

  5. To be fair it was a pretty hard elbow to the face, whether it was intentional is hard to say. Both teams gettng very testy now. Australians feeling very hard done by at the moment.

    Though I wouldn't mind seeing Smoggy Shwarzer let in another.


    Hard? It happens every game when a player jumps for a ball. No doubting there is contact but to be given a straight red for a challenge in the air is harsh, very harsh. As i said Shearer would of been sent off a zillion times if we had this ref.


    There is also no doubt that it wasnt intentional, Grella isnt that player. As every player is told to jump with their arm to get my height into the jump. You see it a million times in the EPL.

  6. 1-1, Comical defending.


    Great turn by the Japanese striker.


    Seriously, do you think schwarzer's recent performance was below par? He plays a lot like a championship goalie.


    He has made some quality saves during the tournament but he has a touch of the fumbles about him this tournament for some reason.

  7. Japanese or Australian player off?


    Vince Grella from Australia.


    The Japanese player rolled around and got a stretcher off and now he is back on. This tournament has given me the shits in terms of stretchers and play acting.

  8. Holy shit, the ref has given a straight red for a player jumping for the ball and has his elbow raised. Not worthy of a red, if this was the case Shearer would of been sent off every single game.

  9. I think he's injured f***.


    No need to get angry about it. Wouldnt be much probably a strain or something at max, take a week to get over it... which will be his rest after the tournament anyways.


    Australia 1-0, Aloisi


    Let's snap Takahara and Nakamura up. Might as well Aloisi too!


    Dont think we need any of them to be honest. Nakamura maybe but other then that no to the others.

  10. I think he's injured fuck.


    No need to get angry about it. Wouldnt be much probably a strain or something at max, take a week to get over it... which will be his rest after the tournament anyways.


    Australia 1-0, Aloisi

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