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Everything posted by Sima

  1. He had to tbf. Common sense really can't come into it. It's a shame.
  2. Mackems could have had a penalty.
  3. Larsson trying to shove Lukaku off the ball
  4. Fuck off Gardner, you move your arm towards the ball ffs.
  5. Useless bald cunt #2 then. Apologies.
  6. Play advantage ffs. Howard Webb is so fucking inept.
  7. Fuck is O'Shea doing? Ran away in celebration
  8. Pulis shaking his head at Fulham's timewasting. Tramp.
  9. 3 at the back has been horrendous for us in the past and scares the shit out of me.
  10. Fuck off Berbatov, I had 0-0 at HT.
  11. Sima

    Shola Ameobi

    He's so fucking shit but he bails us out time and time again. Such a cult hero.
  12. Sima


    And thank you for that beautiful avatar of yours. What a lovely mane of hair he has.
  13. Sima


    You owe me tbf after you still having that username
  14. Sima


    Haddaway and bollocks man, they would rack up 753 pages in two weeks.
  15. That can't be a blobfish quote, surely?
  16. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs3/2962674_o.gif
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