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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Could do worse than Keegan.  My own reservations about him and Shearer have less to do with their potential for success (which is probably not that much better or worse than any of the manager's we are capable of attracting) and everything to do with the risk of failure spoiling their respective legends.  How much damage did Hoddle do to his reputation with Spurs supporters when he came back to manage them and it turned out badly? 

  2. There was not as much money as he had been led to believe, and he had to cut his cloth accordingly. Hence the need to buy players from the second rank, such as Alan Smith, Joey Barton and Geremi, when he really wanted Nicolas Anelka, Richard Dunne and Croatia’s Luca Modric.


    Well I suppose we will have to take Lovejoy's word for it.  Very well connected isn't he?


    Dealing with a bitter and hostile national media must be one of the bigger challenges (and there are several) that comes with the job of manager.  No other club gets anything near this sort of treatment. 


  3. Newcastle extend hunt for manager to Europe


    By Martin Hardy

    Last Updated: 1:53am GMT 13/01/2008


    Newcastle's search for a new manager will now spread to the continent after their much-publicised move for Harry Redknapp ended in failure yesterday.


    Gerard Houllier, Louis van Gaal and Ottmar Hitzfeld are all now in the frame for the position created by Sam Allardyce's surprise sacking on Wednesday.


    There was, however, intrigue to go with the disappointment of missing out on their only original target.


    Senior Newcastle sources last night denied they had even offered the position to Redknapp during a meeting in London on Friday evening, insisting the Portsmouth manager's refusal to move to the North East and his desire to commute had ended their talks.


    "During discussions Harry raised the subject of being able to fly up to the North East," said the source. "We've always believed that the manager would be somebody based full time in Newcastle.


    "That was a major stumbling point and it was clear when we talked about the issue there was no point in going any further.



    "The fans wouldn't have been happy with a manager who was flying up and down from his home on the south coast. Managing Newcastle United is a massive job and huge responsibility and it requires total commitment."


    However, that responsibility will not be handed to Alan Shearer. The former Newcastle captain was effectively ruled out of the running by the same senior source.


    "Chris Mort [the club chairman] and Mike Ashley [owner] have a good relationship with Alan Shearer," the source said. "We are well aware of the many qualities he could bring to the club, but, in the present situation, they feel that an experienced manager with a proven track record is required."


    Shearer may yet be asked to become assistant manager at St James' Park and reports last night suggested that former Newcastle player and manager Kevin Keegan would be Ashley's ideal man to form a "local heroes" partnership with him. But the club insisted that they would not be rushed.


    "The most important thing is getting the right man," the source said. "There is not a time frame. It is vital Newcastle get it right this time and it will take as long as it takes."


    There is a feeling now that Ashley and Mort are already planning for next season, and that the difficulty of a potential FA Cup tie away to Arsenal, if they beat Stoke in their third-round replay on Wednesday, hastened Allardyce's departure.


    Newcastle could now go through the January transfer window without making any signings, to the frustration of a set of supporters who believe the side desperately needs strengthening. But they may be encouraged to hear the calibre of the names being linked with the job.


    Houllier, the French Football Federation's technical director, and Hitzfeld are both available and Van Gaal, who is at Dutch club AZ Alkmaar, has support, both from Ashley and the club's fans. Keegan, meanwhile, is running his "Soccer Circus" in Glasgow and while he said in a recent interview that he would "never say never" about a return to management, it is thought even he might deem another return to Newcastle one comeback too many.


    Statement from Newcastle chairman Chris Mort


    In the process of appointing a new manager at Newcastle United, we have identified and spoken to a number of potential candidates.


    This is a very important appointment - our first since taking control of the club - and we will take as long as required to make sure we bring the right person.


    That person will be someone we believe will be able to deliver successful results and performances to accompany that.


    We can confirm that Harry Redknapp is one of the people the club has spoken to. However, Harry made it clear he is happy with life on the south coast and we wish him well for the future.


    We will continue to devote our time to the very important task of selecting the right person to manage Newcastle United and we will make a further announcement when appropriate.

  4. Weird logic.  "Shame the mid table Premiership manager doesn't want the job.  I suppose we'll have to settle for three of the most successful managers in Europe."


    Would greatly prefer Hitzfeld or Houllier to Van Gaal, but any one of the three would be exceptional tbh.  Just hope it happens with time left in the transfer window for some changes to be made.

  5. He might be too old and too ill for any sort of full time position, but it might be a good idea (as well as a shrewd PR move) for Mort & Ashley to announce that they were appointing Robson to lead the search for the new manager (if Shearer doesn't want it, or Mort/Ashley don't want Shearer).  Someone universally respected who knows football and knows the club.  Would give us all more confidence, that much is for sure.  And I'd rather have him selling the club to a potential manager than anyone else.

  6. Expectations like that are why you are left with a gutter press in England.  It is not acceptable for a journalist to write "According to an unnamed source, an unnamed agent for a top unnamed client may be interested in the Newcastle job!" and then walk away from the story the next day.  I can't understand why this is so difficult to grasp.


    sorry again, but I don't really care how they do things in the USA








  7. no journalist is going to name their source, doesn't matter what country they're in. as soon as they do blow their sources, info that they've been told in confidence, their career is over and they'd be unable in the future to get any more information. didn;t an american journalist recently go to jail for refusing to do the same?


    Yes.  And he wasn't REPORTING ON SPORT.  Jesus christ, do you really think Alan Oliver is talking to anonymous informants in dark alley ways like in the films?  You only don't disclose if they are speaking on a condition of anonymity, which I doubt.  And even if this were the case, there is still no reason not to name the agent.  And certainly no reason to abandon the story the next day.

  8. Expectations like that are why you are left with a gutter press in England.  It is not acceptable for a journalist to write "According to an unnamed source, an unnamed agent for a top unnamed client may be interested in the Newcastle job!" and then walk away from the story the next day.  I can't understand why this is so difficult to grasp.

  9. Hughes would just be another future ex-manager of Newcastle United.  He won't provide instant results and instant good performances, and therefore will be lucky to last until summer.

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