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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. I think our drama for this season is over, its going to be a very average end to the season, which in all honesty will suit me fine.


    I don't think any of the W teams are in the position or have the quality to finish above us, possibly one due to the randomness of the league but that is it, certainly not 3 of them.


    I reckon we'll pull back the gap between us and Sunderland, and be above them for a bit, but think our squad will pick up injuries and they'll finish above us but not by much.


    Newcastle don't do boring.


    I predict we'll lose a couple against poor sides, slip down the table, collectively shit ourselves for a few weeks, and then pick up the points we need against better sides after making things far more difficult than they need to be.

  2. Too soon to tell.  I'm guessing that the people who think we are cruising to 50+ points are either being lulled into a false sense of security by the number of clubs between us and 18th or just generally struggle with math.


    Slip up against Birmingham or Wolves and things could get very scary. 


    You might see one of the bottom 3 or 4 crack under the pressure and go down early, but at least one team is going to get relegated with more than enough points to have stayed up in previous seasons. 

  3. In the past, N-O have had threads about the limitations of Robert, Milner, N'Zogbia, Dyer, Duff...basically every wide player we've signed in the past decade.  Laziness, never beating their man, not being able to cross....


    Jonas isn't exactly world class, but there are some high standards on here.

  4. He looks trimmer than I expected in the training photos.


    Just had a look... indeed. He also seems like he's just picked up all of Xisco's old gear




    His knee looks sort of broken.


    But I hope he's the new Sibierski.

  5. mackems.gif a wage cap of 150K, aye, that'll stop footballers earning too much money, oh whats that? what if more money comes into the game and us footballers are left out of pocket? better allow a 30K increase after 5 years. That'll show them!






    footballers get paid vastly more money than they should, but thats capitalism for you.


    i think the best solution would be to set a wage cap to say, 30K (no lower than 25, no higher than 35) a week and then allow, say up to 15K per appearence/goals/assists on top. Thus the maximum a player earns is no more than say 80-90K if he player all the games in the week or maybe 110 if he performs really really well.

    of course every fa would have to sign up, and there could be a lot of clubs trying to go though loopholes at the start, and leagues such as the russian, american and maybe chinese leagues could use the wagecap as a way of enticing players to their nations and improving their leagues.


    Er I don't wanna say nothing but we don't live in America. We don't have a captilist society we have a mixed economy so really there's no need to pay footballers so much so yay.




  6. Professional athletes are typically idiots, whose natural physical talent is the only thing between them and a career behind a McDonalds counter.  I don't begrudge them their enormous salaries.  Especially when there are bankers and executives on similar deals who are doing a much better job of making me hate them.

  7. the team spirit is f***ed. prepare for the worst guys


    Pardew is such an amazing manager.  All the hard work has been destroyed in about 6 weeks.  Sensational job.


    We lost 5-1 to Bolton.


    We beat Arsenal.


    This team were never that good.  They just had phenomenal team spirit and work ethic that was largely the result of the manager.  They over performed.


    We aren't getting hammered because Andy Carroll isn't playing.  We are getting hammered because that team spirit has been destroyed through bad decisions.  This was inevitable. 

  8. He's a football player, not some comic book hero.  And football players are almost all thick, young and greedy.  NUFC were his employer, not his 'family'.


    A squad shouldn't be held together through fairy dust and local sentiment.  The people that run the club have to demonstrate that they are serious about success by keeping the players (and the manager) responsible for making it possible.


    Love the American sports phrase "Franchise player" for me Carroll was ours.


    The concept of a "franchise" player is also contractual.  US sports teams can basically prevent certain important players from being transferred through free agency.  


    It would never be allowed in English football because the UK media have decided that there are 4 or 5 real football clubs and the rest are feeders.  Can you imagine if English clubs could actually keep the talent they discover or produce?  


  9. He's a football player, not some comic book hero.  And football players are almost all thick, young and greedy.  NUFC were his employer, not his 'family'.


    A squad shouldn't be held together through fairy dust and local sentiment.  The people that run the club have to demonstrate that they are serious about success by keeping the players (and the manager) responsible for making it possible.

  10. It isn't a curse.  Bad decisions have consequences.  


    Fairly good players over performing and seemingly on course for safety.  So you sack the man responsible for the team spirit, appoint a moron, sell the man scoring the goals, and fail to sign a replacement of any kind.


    Injuries aren't bad luck when you don't build a squad.

    Even Tiote's suspension can be attributed to a bad decision from  :kinnear: Mk II

  11. having a quick glance elsewhere on messageboards the common theme is what the f*** are liverpool up to (and earlier when we rejected what the f*** are newcastle thinking bite their f***ing hands off you fools) taking a look dispassionately (not easy i know) its utterly mad what they paid


    You are right.  They overpaid by a comical amount.


    But who cares?


    I don't have any more interest in the finances of NUFC than I do the finances of Microsoft or BP.  The balance sheet isn't entertaining, and transfer windows are only exciting for children.  We have a bad owner and a bad manager, who won't replace him.  Anyone with half a brain knows that to an absolute certainty.  So 35 million, 1 billion, 500k....doesn't matter.  A good player these retards inherited has been sold, and will not be replaced. 


    Net income for them, 35 mil pounds.  Net loss for us, 1 good striker.

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