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Posts posted by Haz

  1. On 17/05/2024 at 16:19, TheBrownBottle said:

    I can disagree with it - he’s using a comma before a verb in a relative clause.  The entire article is replete with this sort of thing - there’s an obvious comma splice in it too, as well as the use of a comma before a subordinate conjunction.

    It’s a piece of piss to point at signs for shops which have an incorrect use of the apostrophe and feel superior.  I can’t be arsed with it personally - and the people who do it wouldn’t thank others for pointing out the flaws in their prose. 


  2. I'm sure played Burn to to get him back in the saddle and restore his confidence. Unfortunately, Burn remains dismounted and looks shot against any pace.  Wilson looks shot too but there's no choice. 

  3. It's this going to be a case of displaying the fight to hold onto our players, as a victory in the transfer market, like we used to do?


     How come this ffp shit seems to have no effect on anyone else but the claimed richest club in the world?

  4. 10 hours ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    The Saudis have committed all sorts of atrocities in Yemen in the last five years. They’ve also created a massive humanitarian crisis in the form of mass starvation and a cholera epidemic as a result of the blockade. Just a friendly reminder what awful pieces of shit run the country.

    Very true. However, through it all, we've sold them cutting edge fighters/attack aircraft. Also a Shit load of small arms/ battlefield weapons. We've had "defence advisors" deployed for years. Very few have railed against this over the years. So in a sense we shouldn't bother ourselves too much, since successive governments got into bed with the Saudis for years. 

  5. Yes the murder of migrants crossing the Yemen border ids an appalling atrocity. Coupled with the Prince's projected visit, it all leaves a nasty taste. 'Arry Redknapp reckons we the fans don't give a Monkeys who owns us as long as we're progressing and winning. 

    This view would appear to be national. It is simply not true. The fan base has railed and shown discomfort of the Saudi association since day one. Yes it makes us uneasy but in the end, what do we do? Yes we are freed from the Ashley years but somehow it doesn't sit right to say the least. 

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