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Posts posted by Rob

  1. fuckin hope he sorts himself out and stays

    and fucks off away from taking penalties.  Radio Newc reckon it crept under Howard.


    Scored = good penalty.


    Well, it's not really that simple.


    Err, yes it is in my book. Sure, he might not be very convincing, but if he scores, he's done his job. He either scores or doesn't; succeeds or fails.


    Until he fails, he's taking good penalties.


    He failed miserably at pens whilst at Liverpool.


    And that matters to us because...?


    He's scored the ones he's taken for us. That's all that matters.


    Leaving it here because it's digressing a little. :)


    It matters to us because he has a track record of missing pens and has narrowly scored the ones he has taken for us and is a cert to miss in future if he keeps taking them.


    Btw, I love Michael Owen, I am just stating that his arse twitches alot when he is faced with a pen, he is more of a split second instinct finisher than a placement finisher.



    anyway your all wrong cos i was on about zog .. ;D

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