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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Can't underestimate how much I hated the 4-3-3 formation tonight.


    So many round pegs in square holes the players really struggled in the system with the lack of width, movement and options when in possession we had to fire so many long awful aimless high balls giving away possession time and time again it was like Allardyce had returned to pick the team for the night.


    With the return of Keegan I thought at least he would pick a consistent 4-4-2 system, players would finally get there chance to play in there best positions and be given a consistent and fair run in the team with us then starting to create some strong partnerships in the side something thats vital for any good side but most of all get the players would get there chance to go and play some form of enjoyable good football all something that could never of happened in a Allarydice regime.


    If we are actually going to win the vital 5 games for us to stay up then Keegan needs to return his philosophies that made him successful not that disgusting form of football we saw tonight. 



    With Milner out and Damien Duff being exposed as an impostor in Premier League football, we didn't have the players necessary to play the 4-4-2 effectively tonight though.


    This is Allardyce's squad at the end of the day, and Keegan has to put out the best team he can now if we're going to avoid relegation. Sure the system wasn't perfect tonight but it was an eternity better than the psychopathically defensive, negative teams we've been sending out in away games this season under Allardyce. We were actually set up to have a bit of a go and while it wasn't ideally balanced, we did OK at a very difficult place to go.


    When Keegan can build his own team, you'll see a lot more width. That you can be assured of.


    will it matter when we're playing stoke?


    OK, so what do you suggest then?


    Other than the plan of passing the ball competantly, of course.


    jesus! if they passed it better, they might find the route to goal?


    "Alright lads, the problem has been that the last few games we haven't passed the ball very well. So the gameplan today is to pass the ball better, OK?"


    Problem sorted.


    might help like... just a suggestion




    What a waste of 13 minutes that was.


    passing the ball to your team mate is stupid though.. right?

  2. Can't underestimate how much I hated the 4-3-3 formation tonight.


    So many round pegs in square holes the players really struggled in the system with the lack of width, movement and options when in possession we had to fire so many long awful aimless high balls giving away possession time and time again it was like Allardyce had returned to pick the team for the night.


    With the return of Keegan I thought at least he would pick a consistent 4-4-2 system, players would finally get there chance to play in there best positions and be given a consistent and fair run in the team with us then starting to create some strong partnerships in the side something thats vital for any good side but most of all get the players would get there chance to go and play some form of enjoyable good football all something that could never of happened in a Allarydice regime.


    If we are actually going to win the vital 5 games for us to stay up then Keegan needs to return his philosophies that made him successful not that disgusting form of football we saw tonight. 



    With Milner out and Damien Duff being exposed as an impostor in Premier League football, we didn't have the players necessary to play the 4-4-2 effectively tonight though.


    This is Allardyce's squad at the end of the day, and Keegan has to put out the best team he can now if we're going to avoid relegation. Sure the system wasn't perfect tonight but it was an eternity better than the psychopathically defensive, negative teams we've been sending out in away games this season under Allardyce. We were actually set up to have a bit of a go and while it wasn't ideally balanced, we did OK at a very difficult place to go.


    When Keegan can build his own team, you'll see a lot more width. That you can be assured of.


    will it matter when we're playing stoke?


    OK, so what do you suggest then?


    Other than the plan of passing the ball competantly, of course.


    jesus! if they passed it better, they might find the route to goal?


    "Alright lads, the problem has been that the last few games we haven't passed the ball very well. So the gameplan today is to pass the ball better, OK?"


    Problem sorted.


    might help like... just a suggestion

  3. im sorry but we were s***


    Yes, perhaps you're failing to take into account the fact that we are, in general, quite s***.


    What are you expecting from this lot of players?


    im expecting them to pick a pass.... and deliver it ... competantly


    Come on man. Players confidence is shot to s***.

    One step at a time. We got a point and move on to Fulham. Get 3 at home to them on Saturday and we will begin to see the players basic technical ability getting back to normal standards

    I dont want to make excuses for them because I get frustrated at the lack of basic skill as much as anyone, but the lack of confidence has to be taken into consideration. Also coupled with a huge fear factor tonight - dont under-estimate the pressure on them out there tonight



    that dont matter anymore... big fuckin' hairy balls does... nowt less.... this team aint got f*** all like that


    Eh ?


    wot i mean is i dont think we can pull it off

  4. Can't underestimate how much I hated the 4-3-3 formation tonight.


    So many round pegs in square holes the players really struggled in the system with the lack of width, movement and options when in possession we had to fire so many long awful aimless high balls giving away possession time and time again it was like Allardyce had returned to pick the team for the night.


    With the return of Keegan I thought at least he would pick a consistent 4-4-2 system, players would finally get there chance to play in there best positions and be given a consistent and fair run in the team with us then starting to create some strong partnerships in the side something thats vital for any good side but most of all get the players would get there chance to go and play some form of enjoyable good football all something that could never of happened in a Allarydice regime.


    If we are actually going to win the vital 5 games for us to stay up then Keegan needs to return his philosophies that made him successful not that disgusting form of football we saw tonight. 



    With Milner out and Damien Duff being exposed as an impostor in Premier League football, we didn't have the players necessary to play the 4-4-2 effectively tonight though.


    This is Allardyce's squad at the end of the day, and Keegan has to put out the best team he can now if we're going to avoid relegation. Sure the system wasn't perfect tonight but it was an eternity better than the psychopathically defensive, negative teams we've been sending out in away games this season under Allardyce. We were actually set up to have a bit of a go and while it wasn't ideally balanced, we did OK at a very difficult place to go.


    When Keegan can build his own team, you'll see a lot more width. That you can be assured of.


    will it matter when we're playing stoke?


    OK, so what do you suggest then?


    Other than the plan of passing the ball competantly, of course.


    jesus! if they passed it better, they might find the route to goal?

  5. im sorry but we were s***


    Yes, perhaps you're failing to take into account the fact that we are, in general, quite s***.


    What are you expecting from this lot of players?


    im expecting them to pick a pass.... and deliver it ... competantly


    Come on man. Players confidence is shot to s***.

    One step at a time. We got a point and move on to Fulham. Get 3 at home to them on Saturday and we will begin to see the players basic technical ability getting back to normal standards

    I dont want to make excuses for them because I get frustrated at the lack of basic skill as much as anyone, but the lack of confidence has to be taken into consideration. Also coupled with a huge fear factor tonight - dont under-estimate the pressure on them out there tonight



    that dont matter anymore... big fuckin' hairy balls does... nowt less.... this team aint got fuck all like that

  6. Can't underestimate how much I hated the 4-3-3 formation tonight.


    So many round pegs in square holes the players really struggled in the system with the lack of width, movement and options when in possession we had to fire so many long awful aimless high balls giving away possession time and time again it was like Allardyce had returned to pick the team for the night.


    With the return of Keegan I thought at least he would pick a consistent 4-4-2 system, players would finally get there chance to play in there best positions and be given a consistent and fair run in the team with us then starting to create some strong partnerships in the side something thats vital for any good side but most of all get the players would get there chance to go and play some form of enjoyable good football all something that could never of happened in a Allarydice regime.


    If we are actually going to win the vital 5 games for us to stay up then Keegan needs to return his philosophies that made him successful not that disgusting form of football we saw tonight. 



    With Milner out and Damien Duff being exposed as an impostor in Premier League football, we didn't have the players necessary to play the 4-4-2 effectively tonight though.


    This is Allardyce's squad at the end of the day, and Keegan has to put out the best team he can now if we're going to avoid relegation. Sure the system wasn't perfect tonight but it was an eternity better than the psychopathically defensive, negative teams we've been sending out in away games this season under Allardyce. We were actually set up to have a bit of a go and while it wasn't ideally balanced, we did OK at a very difficult place to go.


    When Keegan can build his own team, you'll see a lot more width. That you can be assured of.


    will it matter when we're playing stoke?

  7. if its 4-3-3 isnt that pretty much the token team allardyce would have played if they had all been fit or not in jail? Butt, Barton, Geremi. I really hope Martins is playing behind the front two and not on the wing.


    im sure when he's played right of a 3 he was shit... didnt know what he was doing

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