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Posts posted by Rob

  1. As soon as I heard him say "A 0-0 does us, we don't even have to score" before the game, I had that sinking feeling.


    Get lost.


    Exactly,when he said that i just knew this will happen


    TOO predictable tbh,


    i didn't hear him say that..... but if he did say that.... it confirms his "mincy faggott ball" tactics

  2. Could you see Fergie, Wenger, Benitez, Mourinho. Even Big Sam, Jol, Moyes standing by and letting Van Gaal royally f##k them up the sh#tpipe, rub their faces in it, and completely degrade and belittle them the way he did to Roeder.


    Answer: No chance



    Because they have respect for themselves, they have boll#x, and they are not puppet men for anyone


    i think he thought he was being the "bigger man" by ignoring it... now it jut looks like he has "mincy faggot balls"

  3. to be honest after roeders last season... you would have to be pretty cynical to get rid, he did well under the cicumstances...  but the last 6 months have been a joke... get rid

  4. Has the Rat emerged from his hidey hole to explain tonights powder puff surrender?


    The team resembles Roeder the man- weak, meak, uninspiring and boring.


    I feel for the travelling Toon fans tonight and on Sunday where we travel to Charlton for an almost nailed on defeat to a team scrapping for their lives.


    apparently we all know so he shouldnt have to

  5. Why do I have to listen to a lot of rubbish like this after a Newcastle match....


    I want to hear how they rate how we did ..... not how nial is bonding with royse boy


    in fact .... why do radio newcastle bother with sunderland... why dont sunderland just fuck off and stick to "sun fm"



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