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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Possibly duff, but would duff be as responsive as solano?  I dont think duff at left back will happen.... i will support a player that is willing to make an effort and  I would agree babayro hasnt been good enough, but today he was good enough... if he could be more consistant and put in performances like this then it can only be better for us.  If not get rid in the summer

  2. he played better today than he has done in the past ..... if he continues to play like this over a number of games, then it can only be better for him and us

    he has alot more skill than carr and will be a very useful player IF he puts the effort in 

  3. as someone posted in another post, but i cannet be bothered to look, bramble got most of the attack directed at him, gooch was more "mopping up" ... as bramble looked very shakey in the first half, although he improved in the second half I would like to see gooch and taylor together, with solano and babayaro... i actuallly thought babayro played quite well

  4. The defence looked comfortable and solid for corners, which has not been the case all season... Don't think it is directly due to Gooch, i think they must have been paying particular attention to this in training

  5. i dont think im blaming roeder or parker on this occasion cos your right i dont think he had much of a choice... but when duff or zoggy is available

    I really wonder who he'll play in the centre of midfield


    we had no natural width on the left tonight, ...and the right struggled....i think that hindered us .. we were going backwards more than forwards


  6. For a team that is full of the best ... its hurtful to see a team with attitudes like that to be such a good team... its like rubbing salt in to the wound... im am really f8ckin upset, because we really deserved to win... in every way... iam very proud of the team as a whole, but...

    i do think we could have won it outright if we were setup differently

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