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Posts posted by geordie_b

  1. That was my first game this season, so I'm oblivious if this is a common occurance, but why was there a small group sectioned off by police in the away end?


    I was curious about that as well as they were cordoned off before most of the other Blackburn fans were in.



    Intially I thought that it was there hooligan element but ive since been told that it was some Sunderland fans. Who knows....

  2. The start of the second half was a chance for everyone to get behind the team again, not a chance for you idiots to get yourselves on tv.


    That directly contributed to the slow start we made to the second half.


    Cheers lads


    Here Here

  3. How about a 'first in, last out' protest? Go in the minute the gates are open and leave when we are removed.


    A couple of thousand people singing in an empty ground would make a fair amount of noise and the message will be simple 'We were here before you came and we will be still here when youve gone!'. The press will be in the ground to cover it and we could easily congregate in the same area. Also means everyone will be up for the game and ready to do the most important thing, supporting Newcastle United.

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