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Posts posted by ATB

  1. Reckon Pearsons trying to do the Robot.




    Owen doing his Beadle impression there, is that the Libertine behind him?


    I wounder what Emre is doing since Owen and everyone else can´t hold back ;D

  2. I'm pretty much cocerned that this Italian guy would like English foods.  :rolleyes:


    I predict he`ll get homesick and leave well before the end of his contract tbh


    To be honest I´m not sure the swedish guy will like it either. the english food is not that popular here in Sweden.


    And Swedish cuisine is world famous for having the finest delicacies eh! Do like meatballs and wouldn`t mind trying a reindeer burger though!


    I can understand you a little bit. We got food that I´m not tp proud of... but reindeer that is really yummy=)

  3. I don't care how Keiron Dyer was rated by other people.


    Charles N'Zogbia has far more too his game. He can pass, cross, he's not afraid to take on players and shoot. However he is still very raw and needs to not only find a position for himself but fine tune his game too, i.e more assists and more goals from midfield.


    He has bright future but we've seen it all before up here.


    Am I the only person who seem to think his passing is atrocious? Loved watching him passing the ball straight out of play under no pressure at all.




    Dyer is by far a better player and the passing ability is one of the biggest diffrents in Dyers advantages.


    Agree that it time for Zog to shine. he need to train to pass and he need to learn when to attack a player and when to pass.

  4. Some old people need to accept that probably over 25% of Newcastle fans weren't born when Cox was manager.


    Me for example, I know he managed us, I know he signed Keegan and they became great friends, and I know he got us promoted, and later rejoined the backroom staff under Keegan, but anything else comes from Wikipedia.


    Is born 1988 so I think I was a little bit to young then...


    Can say that I know quite much about the history. But not anything about managers since Keegan...

  5. Feels like a quite unnecessary thread. But I have wounder a while.



    Who is Arthur Cox?



    The only thing I know is that he is an old member of Keegan´s 92-97 backroomstaff. But since he is nearly 70 I´m woundering what he is supose to do. I got a feeling that he isen´t the most tactical pearson on this earth, so what is he supose to do?

    Another Terry Mac that can bring new and more jokes?


    It feels like Keegan nead better pearsons around him than old pals to suceed this time. I hope he will fix that.

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