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Posts posted by ATB

  1. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sam is a so much better coach than people think. The team is not playing well now BUT have anyone notice what he is trying to do behind the scene?!


    He is doing more than Roeder or Souness even was thinking about. The play is not the best yet but it will be. I must say that when other people are embarrassined about our play I´m embarrassined that so many people want to sack Sam.


    Ok let do it. But have anyone even think how it will be then. Gone with alot of money and chance a lot of staff. We will have to start all over again.

    But most of all. How is so stuped that they would take the job?!



    "Sam Allardyce's former Bolton Wanderers assistant manager Phil Brown says Newcastle fans need a 'reality check'.


    Hull boss Brown, who worked under Allardyce at Bolton, told BBC Radio Five Live: "The sooner all parties - including supporters, including the media - take a reality check (the better).


    "Newcastle have only won one trophy in the last 50 years.


    "All of a sudden, a new man comes to the helm and everyone expects immediate success. It's ridiculous to expect it.


    "Unless you get a £100million purse, as in Jose Mourinho at Chelsea, or a lot of money such as Sven-Goran Eriksson at Man City, I think it's ridiculous to expect immediate success." "

  2. Can only agree with some of the comments about him being protect. The managers knows best and if Sam dont thin hes ready then he dont. Comparing with alot of other I defenitily sure Sam rate him high.


    As anyone said it´s hard for Sam at this situation. If we say this would be five years later in time (hope Sam still hear) no one should complaine so much.


    I defenitly think we need Enrique and I hope he can start play soon. verry soon!

  3. I think the offside was so clear that I hope everyone, player, fans is counting this like a positiv draw (now that it will not help us in the PL but anyway).


    I must say I liked the line-up really much, especielly Faye as dm. Liked Duff and Milner when they chanced side alot and Martins runs. Alot to take with us BUT we have seen us faild before.


    The players must be reallt hungry for the upcoming games and show spirit! Would´t hurt if we could start pass and contribute better too.

  4. I dident said that they were gone now=)


    THey will play against City and I think some of them to Stoke aswell...


    What I meant was that they should replace them after they left!


    Can also only pray to god that we can play like we did in the secoend half against Chelsea and that we win!

  5. Agree 100%. Really like the idea (thing City play the same) with two defence mitt and four really offensive players. Looked good today and I really think it can work in the futhure aswell.


    Real pitty that Baye, Faye and Martins is going. Hope that Carr, Rozehnal and Viduka replace them.

  6. He said when he first came here that it would take him 5 years to sort out this club and many on here were fine with that 6 months ago. Its an absolute mockery that people are calling for his head 6 months in, in fact its plain terrible. No wonder the average life of a manager is something like 13 months with all the ridiculous pressure put on the main man by the fans. why can't we be patient, we have no divine right to be better than the teams above and we shouldn't expect too much. Maybe if we were in the relegation zone i would be worried and consider bringing in a new man but for now we are totally safe and i'm sorry we might just have to deal with mediocrity for a couple of seasons until we get back to our old status. If we sack Sam now, what are we going to do? go on with this endless carousel of managers until we actually are relegated? because if thats what we do now, that is what will happen.




    agree 100%. SOmetimes I really hate the suporters to the club.

  7. Bla!


    Dont understand people think Duff is finished. I will not pot that label on before the end of the season, if necessary. Biggest problem last year wasent duff. It was the team mates. Still a can remeber how frustrated he seemed when he tried to play link-up with Baba.


    Duff will be a great player to have back. Would really want to see if


    Milner - Smith/Viduka - Duff


    can have any sucess. I think it can. Remember Duff know how to play the system in and out. My only concern is what Sam is going to do with Owen. He will definitive play him and I´m worried we will chance the system just because of him. Don´t want that to happen.


    If Owen isn't gone in Jan then he'll deffo be away in the summer.


    Think so too. But still our best goalscorer.

  8. Bla!


    Dont understand people think Duff is finished. I will not pot that label on before the end of the season, if necessary. Biggest problem last year wasent duff. It was the team mates. Still a can remeber how frustrated he seemed when he tried to play link-up with Baba.


    Duff will be a great player to have back. Would really want to see if


    Milner - Smith/Viduka - Duff


    can have any sucess. I think it can. Remember Duff know how to play the system in and out. My only concern is what Sam is going to do with Owen. He will definitive play him and I´m worried we will chance the system just because of him. Don´t want that to happen.

  9. When are people going to understand?!


    Of course Sam has faith in Enrique. But he dont want to rush things. Isent 2-3 new players at the back allready enough? Will see how we will play in this game the best would be to keep the most of the team compact. But as everyone is pointing out, this would be a good game to pot Enrique back.

  10. I guess people are going to read the tea leaves how they may.  I, for one, am optimistic about things given the overall tone and content of the messages delivered by Ashley and Mort so far.  The odd one or two are ambiguous, there's no denying.  And it almost goes without saying though that talk is cheap.  It's  actions that speak louder than any "oh I'd like to win the league in 5 years and Europe would be nice too" statement. 


    All that said I am, for better or worse, backing Mort and Ashley to match ambition to potential and if not establish us back in the upper tier than at least force the coining of the term "Big 5." 


    Well unless they pull their fingers out of their arses, that can be put on hold till at least the 2009/2010 season.


    Its really quite simple, without europe we wont attract top players. Without top players we wont get into europe. Any notions of a big 5 are thus miles away.


    To break this conundrum you need large investments, good judgements and to ultimately not be scared to take a gamble. Like when Bobby bought Robert.


    It's a bloody simple rule isn't it, and it also coincides with the potential of the *club's newly adopted youth policy. *if Mort's comments are anything to go by.


    And you won't attract the top youngsters either, the very same youngsters who appear on Wenger's radar thanks to his network of contacts. The same applies to Chelsea thanks to Arnesson's priceless "Black Book", and a host of other top clubs. The competition to sign them is tough, you need more than just a lucrative contract on offer to snare their signatures.


    Remember it was only a few seasons back when we found ourselves in a position of strength in the transfer market after the previous board backed SBR and gambled 10m on Robert in the Summer of 01/02, and this 'position of strength relates to offering them European football and for these youngsters it's an opportunity to be spotted by their respective national selectors at senior level, that we fought off AC Milan and a reportedly a host of 'big clubs' on the continent in the race to sign Viana who was then believed to the top 'creative central midfield' prospect going around.



    Just because Viana didnt succeed here shouldnt detract from that argument either. We got him because we were in europe and it looked like we were going places (he wasnt the only one to get that wrong).


    A youth policy in todays market, for us, means eating off the scraps left over from top 4 and the rest of the big clubs across europe. You're spot on shaman, the ability to attract talent suffers from the same issues at whatever level you look at it.


    So you mean just because we can´t sign player like Meesi we shoulden´t try to search for talented players?


    Your right. We may not can attract top procpet to the club yet. But just because of that we shoulden´t stop looking. Who knows. Arsenal, Man Utd etc can miss top player. And you know alot of players mabey aren´t that good at youth aged and than can develop.


    Mabey oneday we can make it to the top of the table and then we can start attract the top youngsters. But even how good the first-team we should be looking for top young players. Just because we don´t can attract Messi we shoulden´t stop looking.

  11. The youthteam isen´t a mesaure of how good a team is, thats right. But if you have a good academy the chanses of getting a good first team is much better.


    As many is suggetsing. Even if you got a good youth-team the account of players that makes it to the PL is not great but the chanses increas a lot.


    That many are happy with this new strategy is just because we never ever have used it before and we are problebly the biggest team in the world that hasent done that! Even my favorite team in Sweden! is doing it (the 26th best league in europe or what it is) but not Newcastle in one off the biggest!

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