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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Aye, stats do count for f*** all but some of them do make good reading
  2. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Almost a goal every 2 games
  3. Sifu


    Not necessarily, being raised here is more than enough imo (this being my case!) Yeah sorry i was meant to include 'brought up here' somewhere in there. Nee bother
  4. Sifu


    How about 4 miles away in the same city? Aston Villa and Birmingham City? Quite a hatred there, I believe. I'm not just talking about football though. I'm talking about a real hatred, and disgust for people in a town 12 miles away... I think you should re-read BlueStar's post.
  5. Sifu


    Have relatives and friends that live in the North-East, have been going up to Newcastle all my life. I know about the local 'rivalry', and pity it. knowing about it and understanding it appear to be completly different things then. I'll never truly understand it, I agree. I could be wrong, but from what I've always been told the rivalry goes back to the English civil war. Newcastle was on the side of the crown, and Sunderland sided with the Parlimentarians - and then a load of s*** kicked off about coal and as a cause of that, you hate each other? I've never lived anywhere where there is such hatred for people that live in a city 12 miles away, people of similar stock to yourselves... You'd think with so many people in this country ready to turn their noses up at the north-east, in disregard - there would at least be some brotherhood between the people of the region? Couldn't give a f*** about the 'rivarly', it's primitive - f***ing medieval. Where else in the country do you think this goes on, to this kind of level? Its good to see that there are people who don't let this obsession rule their lives (know of a couple married for 20 years, one is a geordie, one is a mackem). Tbh, I'm bloody glad it's something I and those I care about, both now and in the future have never been cursed with. Maybe if some of you guys moved out of the North-East you would see just how abnormal it is, and just how people outside of the North-East react to it? I'm speechless Colocho.
  6. Sifu


    Not necessarily, being raised here is more than enough imo (this being my case!)
  7. Sifu


    Have relatives and friends that live in the North-East, have been going up to Newcastle all my life. I know about the local 'rivalry', and pity it. tbh.
  8. Unfortunately, it's either Liverpool or Man U in Hong Kong. People think you're an idiot if you support anyone else.
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm going to try and stay positive about all this. Hope the 6 weeks out rumour has no substance (although Crumpy's sources concerning injuries are usually accurate )
  10. Cubaricho, not going to be able to sleep now!
  11. Definitely not going to sleep until I hear news about Ben Arfa now.
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