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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. We're still following the Aston Villa model very closely.
  2. Presumably this will mean all our players will be staying, since now is probably not when their stock is highest? Obviously there are going to be exceptions to that rule. I just don't see the actual club itself, as a saleable asset, ever being an exception to it. We'll see. I think he will probably not be inclined to sell just yet, instead gambling on us bouncing straight back up. If we don't, and languish in the Championship or below for a bit longer, I'm fairly sure that could change. What also affects this decision is that he may come in a position where he needs cash to buy back SD shares if the stock price continues to drop, which some media have reported may be on the cards. It's no use hanging on to a depreciating asset when you need cash elsewhere.
  3. Presumably this will mean all our players will be staying, since now is probably not when their stock is highest?
  4. .com taking no prisoners
  5. Doubt that, considering this was their frame of mind in late February (fan forum meeting minutes): Worked out well
  6. How was that last paragraph not a resignation? Unfuckingbelievable
  7. We've been an attractive proposition to buyers all this time. The problem has been the fat mess not wanting to sell. I have a feeling that may be about to change, although it may take failing to get promoted instantly before he realises this club's value is only going one way under his ownership.
  8. Still in our hands lads, believe!
  9. Good to go into the final game all done and dusted. We deserve no less.
  10. It was something like £70 million if memory serves. Edit: Source: http://swissramble.blogspot.nl/2015/04/newcastle-united-in-rut.html
  11. It's not the same, it's doubled.
  12. He's gone as we're gone. Better just accept our fate and welcome Steve Bruce as our new saviour than to hang on to hope against better judgement.
  13. Unbelievable

    Papiss Cissé

    I saw the same Cisse I've been seeing for the best part of four years now tbh. He was sensational in the first half season, but all in all our failure to adequately replace Demba Ba has contributed significantly to us flirting with relegation these past seasons and finally being flushed now. On the bright side, Cisse should have a field day in the Championship.
  14. Fair play to the mackems. We deserve everything we get
  15. Don't tell his fans that. Done more in 15 minutes than Cisse in 50. All he's done is give the ball away and miss a sitter, so same as Cisse really Don't tell his fans that. Done more in 15 minutes than Cisse in 50. All he's done is give the ball away and miss a sitter, so same as Cisse really Mitrovic controlled a long ball and passed to a team mate. Cisse hadn't even done that once. They're both not up to it. If we had Defoe instead of these two we'd be staying up. Yet people on here laughed their bollocks off when they signed him.
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