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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Nah, very much on the fringes. I think he played twice or so.
  2. Holland XI: Cillessen; Kuijt, De Vrij, Vlaar, Martins Indi, Blind; Wijnaldum, De Jong, Sneijder; Robben, Van Persie Get in! Vlaar, De Jong and Van Persie all fit..
  3. Inclined to agree. Impressive as Germany's performance was I think whoever wins tonight will still give them a good game for their money and have a decent shot at the title sitting back a bit more and hitting them on the break.
  4. Possibly, but let's not forget Barcelona got shell-shocked by Bayern over two legs and then Bayern got the same treatment by Real Madrid. People are trying to analyse a game that is quite impossible to understand. It just happens, this is what makes football, football. Horrible feeling to be Brazilian, but at the same time I'm proud to say that at least the stadium and the attitude towards the German team and German fans was excellent yesterday. People congratulating them and they being able to walk around safely after a loss, something you probably wouldn't even see in a league game in many places around the world. Fair points.
  5. I disagree that Brazil's squad wasn't good enough to win this World Cup. Up there with the best imho in terms of individual players' quality, and certainly much better than ours.
  6. They DID outclass us and they WERE better than us at EVERY position. The stadium stood up and applauded the far superior team last night, it's not like we as fans applaud anyone when we get beaten. We got beaten and beaten well and deservedly. We've not been good, I just hope the team shows what they're capable of on saturday without any pressure. I agree, but what can you do when you're down 5-0? Organize the defence? We played better than them early in the second half again when he put 3 central midfielders and they were unable to pass the ball as much. I had a Newcastle - Arsenal feeling for the first 10 minutes as we created two or three dangerous chances, but it was never our day and the better and probably best team in this WC beat us deservedly. After the first 10-15 minutes it should have been clear to anybody with eyes that Germany were raping you down the left. Why Scolari just sat there and didn't tell Marcelo to stay back and Gustavo to help him out more on that side before that crazy 6 minute spell I will never know. Quite interested what the general consensus in Brazil is about Scolari's tactics yesterday evening. I'm flabbergasted he hasn't handed in his resignation tbh.
  7. Of course, why not, we've played before with him without Thiago and done good. Was all a freak accident. If that's what your football association think there is no chance you will win the 2018 World Cup, no chance. There was nothing accidental about it I'm afraid. It was a tactical shambles of the highest order.
  8. Thiago was a huge miss like, arguably more so than Neymar. I read that zonalmarking analysis and I think they got it spot on. Brazil's lack of pace allowed Germany to defend high up the pitch and saturate the midfield. Brazil on the other hand had 3 out of 4 defenders (Luiz, Maicon and Marcelo) who were more interested in going forward than in keeping it thight at the back. The Brazilians lost possession in midfield under pressure and were easily picked off on the counter as the Brazil full backs had left their stations (Marcelo being the main culprit). Scolari wants shot for not making a change or reorganising the defence until half time too.
  9. The Germans had more threathening before they scored. They had the break where Muller could have been sent clear by Klose and the blocked Khedira shot. I'd have to rewatch, but I don't remember Brazil doing anything of note until they shipped the first.
  10. Fair enough if that's your opinion, we were better until they scored the first, after that we lost it. And yeah, that feeling is terrible. Appreciate the sympathy, you've always been a classact Shak, compared to Dan Sorry, but that's just plain wrong.
  11. Proposal for new avatar: http://www.duckside.nl/louis%20van%20gaal.jpg
  12. Isn't it FIFA that doesn't have minutes of silence for players during World Cup games? Or am I wrong in this one? I'd assume so, aye
  13. Another one unable to see the point. Did Ribery play in the WC? Did Falcao play in the WC? Did any of those two injure themselves so bad they couldn't even sit in the stadium to watch the game, instead had to be back home to watch it? Neymar left the group that badly injured and that badly devastated that the players felt like doing something for him. Since I live in Sweden I know that the empathy-level in nothern europe is almost non-existent but I swear to god they didn't do this as a way to put him above the team, they did this to show support to a devastated 22 year old kid who missed probably the biggest game in his career. The point is they shuldn't have. hey should have concentrated on the biggest game of their career(s).
  14. I didn't see France holding up Ribery shirts, or Colombia Falcao shirts. It was over the top cheesy sentimentality instead of focusing on the task at hand. Whether it played a part or not in yesterday's clusterfuck of a game (from Brazil's perspective) can't be proven, but it wouldn't surprise me. May as well have waved a white flag.
  15. I stood up together with a majority of the stadium to applaud a 7th goal, Klose being subbed off and a national team that had just gone into the history books for all the wrong reasons in probably the darkest day of Brazilian football. It has nothing to do with moral high ground or whatever you think and all down to do with the fact that a big part of this country has shown the world that all their pre-conceived ideas are wrong. Also, people saying this is the end of Brazilian football comparing a 200 million populated country to the island of yours. We are the biggest nation in footballing history, between our third win and 4th win it went 24 years, we will have some great players maturing for Russia and there's no doubt in my mind that we'll win it. As for the Neymar, I don't see what's wrong with holding a shirt of an injured player? This squad has been known for being extremely close (except in midfield where they apparently play like there's 200miles between each other) and Neymar was a big part of the team. He carried us past the group stage and without an injury against Chile we would've seen the best of him in the quarter finals and semi finals. We'll be back, just like Germany once disappeared and came back and just like Italy does every 24 years. If he was dead it'd be okay. What they're doing now is just telling the world that Neymar is much bigger than the team and more important than the 11 out there at that time. He might just be, but the players shouldn't tell the world they agree. It's well worthy. You completely missed the point, they'd do the same if it was f***ing Oscar or Fred. It's about the team, I've seen teams do the same when players have broken their legs and had other injuries. This happens quite often with a message of support. It's also different because he was unable to leave his home to watch at the stadium because of a fractured back. They just wanted to show him how much he means. ''Dead'', like we in life should only pay tribute to dead people ffs. Well, yeah. You don't f***ing tribute a living, breathing, player in that way. You're putting Neymar way above Brazil as a unit, and it's deterimental. Both the team and the press seemingly spent the lead-up treating the match like some testimonial, and it got them a testimonial scoreline. The biggest and best tribute to Neymar would be playing on, and winning the world cup, and then praising his contribution to the team for helping them get there. I'm not going solely against the shirt holding, but the entire run-up full of self-loathing "the rest of the team sucks - we'll lose without Neymar" all over, and then the team basically say they agree by putting Neymar above the team. Why not hold up a shirt with the player replacing Neymar up, saying "hey, we trust you as much as we trust Neymar. You can do it!". That's what a team should do. Appreciate the entire team. Not worship one player.
  16. Just generally ill, like the Germans were earlier. Hope it works out the same way for us..
  17. Mind, I still don't think it's updated for everbody. YaoGwee can't be this far down surely (14th on 563)?
  18. http://d3dsacqprgcsqh.cloudfront.net/photo/av0393n_460sa_v8.gif
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