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Posts posted by Joey

  1. Surely Ashley sells up and the individuals get done, not the club?


    My belief (in blind hope) is that

    If they all stay, i'd think the club would also get backlash as a punishment to them.

    If they all leave, they won't just get off scott free leaving the everything on the club (who theoretically are innocent as nobody there now would have perpetuated it)


    Therefore, it would make sense to sell the club whilst the stock is high and let those individuals take the flak instead of it being devalued.


    I can't be bothered to type it out more clearly.



  2. Where a have our resident Mackems gone?  :tongue:


    I'm here mate.


    Been a long time coming this and I'm under no illusions, it'll be a hard league to get out of next season.


    Without investment? I hope the young lads step up. Our U23 side is in a final. They must have something.


    With/Without Moyes? I must be one of few who think sticking with him is the best option. He was dealt a shit hand both at the start and throughout this season. Hasn't helped himself I admit but I think he could build something.


    I feel pretty apathetic towards this, pretty 'meh'.


    My shift change has recently allowed myself to get a season ticket again next season for the first time in four years. I'm looking forward to going to every game again and a weekend away in Leeds with some of the lads off my Sunday league team.


    Still my team, I'm disappointed, it's not the end of the world



    Fair play, i wont pretend im not happy and i wont say your fans dont deserve it cos yous do.


    SAFC and its fans thoroughly deserve this, yous put up with it to not be like the mags, to be canny in the eyes of the nation.....no fucker gives a fuck about yous man  :lol:


    I genuinely think yous will struggle for automatic promotion but the playoffs should easy be in reach with former PL players.


    Good luck.yous will need it


    Enjoy the fizzy pop leeeeg


    Really man, any need? You're as bad as "they are".

  3. Charnley needs to go too. No future whilst this clueless cretin is in charge of recruitment of staff.


    What the hell difference is that going to make. Everything comes back to Ashley.


    Why do you go out of your way to come across thick all the time?


    What the fuck are you on about? You must be another one that can't see that changing the manager or chief exec or scout won't make a blind bit of difference.




    I'm with Ronaldo on this like. Let's just not change anything at all.

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