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Posts posted by Joey

  1. damn him and his fit daughters


    It's so true.

    Imagine waking up every day knowing you're fucking Shearer's daughter :frantic:


    I'd have to wear a condom like, i'm not fucking up that gene pool.

  2. The responses to the official twitter account fill me with renewed hope in our fan base.


    Facebook is even better.


    My favourite comment "It's awful when people don't communicate isn't it?"




    That was me. ;)

  3. A couple of cousins of mine played against Beardsley in one of those club-organised games you can buy a couple of years ago. Said Beardsley scored 6 goals in the space of 10 minutes without breaking sweat. One of them's a decent athlete in his early 20s and said Beardsley did him for pace time after time.


    So yeah, I'd play him.


    'kin ell  :lol:


    The state of the British youth man ...


    Aye but you should see our OAPs

  4. Ryder's priceless. Retweeting any comment that agrees with him.


    Lee Ryder retweeted

    Steve R @steeeeeeve1020  ·  2m 2 minutes ago

    @lee_ryder your article is very fair.  Don't know why everyone is getting upset


    :lol: The second bit.


    Someone tweet him a positive acrostic using MONG or WINDOW LICKER.


    Closest I got was "more over, not going shows fans have the real power" sent it anyway.

  5. Support the team, not the regime. Ironically it's those who say this that are doing the exact opposite by funding Ashley and his brands week in week out to the detriment of the club.

  6. Yeah me and Slim DM them on twitter and donated the hope banner to them. Thought we may as well


    Well done, the more exposure they get the better! Shame it didn't have NO links on it though, massive exposure for this place.

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