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Mr. Slugworth

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Posts posted by Mr. Slugworth

  1. Anyone else terrified that this could be a way for them to bring Kinnear back into the fold?? They've all worked together already and Llambias has said how much they liked him...

  2. If JFK isn't replaced at the end of the season (and i'm sure he won't be), I wont be returning next season.


    I would seriously take ANYONE over Kinnear. Why not offer the fucking job to Temuri Ketsbaia? He can't possibly be any worse, and at least he knows what the clubs all about.


    FFS, how far have we fallen?! A year ago, i would have been disgusted by such talk. Scraping the fucking barrell here.

  3. Does anyone else feel like they've been raped?


    So we're actually £10 million up this transfer window, and at best we broke even in the summer. Where the f*** is the INVESTMENT?!


    We're in a f***ing relegation battle here.


    We haven't even signed any youth players apart from that Vuckic kid.


    I can't put into words how down I feel about all of this. The immense hope i felt when we drew against Man Utd on the opening day of the season now seems a distant memory, and may well be one false dawn too many.

  4. I know we need to focus on experienced 1st team players as a priority, but what's happening with youth recruitment at the moment? I know we've brought in this Vuckic kid, but has anyone heard any more about Fereira, Adjei, that hungarian lad etc? I mean, what the fuck do Wise and Vetere and all them do all day when we're not in a transfer window?! Look at Liverpool's official website and see some of the young kids they have waiting to come through. We've come a long way with our youth recruitment policy over the last year or so, but we've still got lightyears to go. This is supposed to be Ashley's "strategy" to recruit the best young players from all around the world to give us a competitive advantage in the longer term. It's a nice idea in principle, and probably a sensible one given the situation, but i've yet to see any evidence of the policy being successfully implemented. At best, we just about caught up with average.

  5. Never been more gutted! What the fuck do they think they're doing?! How incredibly stupid and arrogant of them. I can honestly see now possible way forward with the present regime. Dennis Wise and Derek Llambias' positions are surely now untenable. Ashley would be better to sell up now as he will never have the fan's support. He can forget about ever sitting with us again!


    I am seriously struggling to see how I can continue to support the club's present regime after this. This is an unimaginably bad scenario and it like an absolute nightmare. I'm honestly grieving here, like someone has died (a bit extreme I know, but it feels like we've lost something here that we can never get back). This is the end of the dream, and confirmation that Ashley is more concerned about the money then the dream.


    The only acceptable way forward is for him to sell up, and maybe the new owners will want to bring Keegan back? Wishful thinking...


    Next manager will be either Didier Deschanmps, or Marcelino Garcia Toral in my opinion. They're both closely linked with Wise and Jiminez.


    This also means that Michael Owen will leave, i'm guessing.


    Destroyed by this, I really am. :-(

  6. Tbh, the worrying thing is that we even considered Redknapp. Show's what they're really thinking that he was even on the list. Really hope we don't start hearing about the likes of Steve fucking Coppell. Would be an absolute disaster.


    This club makes good managers look absolutely shite. We need something special even to have a chance. How they thought Harry was that man (and I do reckon he's a good manager, just not in the league we need) is beyond me.


    Should have got Juande Ramos before Spurs to be fair. They sacked Martin Jol and replaced him with a two-time UEFA winning cup manager. So what do we go and do? Go sniffing after the manager they got shot off. Pathetic if it's true.

  7. My preferred order, based on their style of play and how likely they would be to be successful in the PL:


    1. Mourinho

    2. Hiddink

    3. Van Gaal

    4. Hitzfeld

    5. Lippi

    6. Houllier

    7. Scolari

    8. Keegan/Shearer


    Anything else, forget it. If we go for Hughes/Jol etc. we will fail again, for sure. We need someone special, with experience of winning things in different countries, and who will play an attacking style of play.

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