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Posts posted by sicsfingeredmong




    It is now two goals in two games for the Geordie-Nigerian striker that Kinnear has pledged to turn into 'the new John Fashanu'.



    A worrying sign for things to come under Kinnear, in terms of the team's overall pattern of play and how the ball-players stand to be wasted. Under Keegan, amidst last season's relegation fight, we played our way out of the bottom 3. Where we've previously seen a team that was re-educated by Keegan to keep the ball on the deck - utilizing the likes of Owen, Martins etc to best effect - it will be different & much harder slog to avoid the chop with Kinnear around, as the Useless Prick up top continues to find a buyer.


  2. What a load of toss, Baggio. The guy is through on goal, he is GOING to score. The natural instinct is to try and stop this from happening, so he makes the tackle. He did nothing wrong whatsoever, i cannot think of many defenders that would not attempt the tackle there, and they'd want lynching if so, for being half-arsed feckers. It's just a plain kick in the nuts that the tackle was absolutely spot on.


    This anti-Beye thing you've got going on is pretty bizarre tbh, considering he's the best right-back we've had at the club for as long as i've supported them (which granted, isn't as long as many). That really is picking the bones out of it. Criticising him for making a last ditch attempt at a tackle? Come off it, he's human.


    Well done Habib Beye for being better than Carr, Hughes and Griffin.


    Picking the bones again, then. Class counter-argument. :thup:


    I can't take seriously what you're saying about him tonight, so i'll just ask: what've you got against him like? The fact that he's not a particularly good crosser of the ball? That for me, is his only real weakness.


    I've got nothing against him apart from I don't think he's that good.


    If Steven Taylor made that tackle in the box then reactions would be completely different, fair enough he got a slight touch on the ball but you can't make tackles from behind anywhere on the pitch so to make one in the penalty box is daft.

    wasn't from behind in that sense


    Of course it was from behind, unless his leg bends the other way.


    a tackle from behind is when you go through the player first, hence why there was a clamp down


    baggio: how the f*** can you say it was a penalty when EVERY other newcastle fan say's it wasn't along with 95% of commnentators, unless you are getting personal differences in the way, in which case you are then maybe you shouldn't support the toon then


    That's the key phrase here. Perfectly sums up a few posts here ie. justifiable bullshit.


    Except I didn't even say it was a penalty, I said it was daft making a tackle from behind in the box, not that I expect you to get your head around that you snide tit.


    Can't get my head around the notion of deciding as to whether i should resort to one of your cliched & often used laughter emoticons Sunshine.


    To put it simply. If that tackle had been made inside the box, in Italy by P.Maldini he would have been universally praised for backing his ability to time a challenge. That tackle would've been added to a lengthy compilation list, of the 'best of' tackles.

  3. What a load of toss, Baggio. The guy is through on goal, he is GOING to score. The natural instinct is to try and stop this from happening, so he makes the tackle. He did nothing wrong whatsoever, i cannot think of many defenders that would not attempt the tackle there, and they'd want lynching if so, for being half-arsed feckers. It's just a plain kick in the nuts that the tackle was absolutely spot on.


    This anti-Beye thing you've got going on is pretty bizarre tbh, considering he's the best right-back we've had at the club for as long as i've supported them (which granted, isn't as long as many). That really is picking the bones out of it. Criticising him for making a last ditch attempt at a tackle? Come off it, he's human.


    Well done Habib Beye for being better than Carr, Hughes and Griffin.


    Picking the bones again, then. Class counter-argument. :thup:


    I can't take seriously what you're saying about him tonight, so i'll just ask: what've you got against him like? The fact that he's not a particularly good crosser of the ball? That for me, is his only real weakness.


    I've got nothing against him apart from I don't think he's that good.


    If Steven Taylor made that tackle in the box then reactions would be completely different, fair enough he got a slight touch on the ball but you can't make tackles from behind anywhere on the pitch so to make one in the penalty box is daft.

    wasn't from behind in that sense


    Of course it was from behind, unless his leg bends the other way.


    a tackle from behind is when you go through the player first, hence why there was a clamp down


    baggio: how the f*** can you say it was a penalty when EVERY other newcastle fan say's it wasn't along with 95% of commnentators, unless you are getting personal differences in the way, in which case you are then maybe you shouldn't support the toon then


    That's the key phrase here. Perfectly sums up a few posts here ie. justifiable bullshit.



    I suppose the system that deliver the mighty Ramos is foolproof?


    The system did something ours hasn't done since 1969, it delivered a trophy.



    Ramos is still a clueless bufoon.


    You're basing your opinion of his managerial skills entirely on the seven or so games played so far this season then I take it?


    Where you take it is not my concern.


    That a yes then?






    I said he'd fail in the Ramos thread as I got wind of the fact that they were going to sell their best 2 strikers from under his nose and replace them with s***. A manager who won't stand upto that or pays lip service to a system that has effectively destroyed Spurs hopes for a good season is a bufoon or has no self respect.


    That's the difference between him and Keegan I guess.


    That and winning half a dozen trophies.


    and to think that I'm told I ruin threads.........


    You said you were happy with Allardyce, when you could have told us about Ramos BTW




    What are you on about? He was simply adding to a discussion me and Parky had going on.


    selective clipping alert


    not to mention lacking a wider grasp of mandy's usual non contribution.




    Parky said Ramos is clueless. Ozzie countered that by saying that he's actually won some silverware in his time.


    That was indeed the point of my thread-ruining post -- two consecutive UEFA cups is not the work of a complete buffoon. And he's already won more at Spurs than any Toon manager since Joe Harvey.



    Simplistic comparison drawn by somebody who still holds a grudge because another 'somebody' walked away during a time when many of the so-called Sky Generationers jumped aboard during the mid-90's bandwagon.


    As for the comparison, which imo was one of your usual sly and pinheaded digs at Keegan. Ramos' Spanish CV, in addition to his solitary English Lge Cup, counts for nothing until he *guides Spurs to consecutive/or better top 3/top tier finishes - one of which KK led us to within one afternoon of a title - and revitalises the Londoners fortunes to the extent Keegan did in his 1st stint here.


    *That's called sustained progress, as opposed to being a managerial flash in the pan based on period of a season or thereabouts.

  5. 2. Why he sent an email to a cockney journo dishing the dirt on the club he says he supports while Shepherd was chairman, riding higher than it is just now when he doesn't appear to want to do it again ?


    Just for the record he has answered that before, and yet you keep bringing it up. He was dishing the dirt on Shepherd, not NUFC. Believe it or not Freddy Shepherd did not and does not equal Newcastle United Football Club. You can criticise one without criticising the other.


    I wasn't even "dishing the dirt" on Shepherd. I was arranging for someone from the Hitzfeld-for-manager campaign to get a right of reply after Shepherd dissed the idea as a "betting scam".


    I've no idea what this is supposed to do with the cold, hard fact that all but one of Shepherd's managerial appointments were miserable failures. NE5 seems simply incapable of conducting a rational discussion on this point.


    but you agreed with Shepherd that at least 3 of those were good appointments, you agreed with him ?


    You are totally incapable of accepting this perfectly truthful point.


    I think you should be true to your principles and email the same journo and tell him what a disgrace all the latest situation is and admit that it is a miserable failure in comparison to the regular european football we had under the last board/owners.

    Or are you incapable of conducting a rational discussion on this point ?




    On a similar note, and it's not related to Ozzie.


    A mate directed me to the site www.nufcmismanagement.com - i've never heard of it before, i just don't have time - and have too much of a life - to spend my day searching through Google links & reading other fans/club's forums or websites.


    I must've scrolled through several pages of insignificant quotes, courtesy of Shepherd. One example being that it's not the 'big clubs' responsibility to keep afloat the clubs in the lower leagues. Some were made into mountains, despite being just mole hills. I guess the site's creator has to make the sure that the site lives up to his namesake. The site's creator must be young and a bit naive judging how little there was about McKeag, Seymour, Westwood etc in comparison and the fact that the same creator asked for reader input so that he/she can expand those particular chapters. Reminded me of how Wikpedia works.


    Then i clicked onto the Ashley chapter. It was about speculation and blueprints. Beyond that the chapter was surprisingly bare when taking into account the club's current predicament on the league table.

  6. I’ll reserve judgement on Jimenez as I don’t know how good a job he did for us although his credentials are certainly impressive; I was however disappointed that it wasn’t Wise that was going as his credentials certainly don’t merit the ludicrous salary he’s on.  Fair enough if he unearths several great players for next to no money as the Arsenal scouting system regularly does but his CV since retiring as a player (very effective player granted) does not warrant his 4 year deal on £3m a year!  As this is a new role for him at the biggest club he’s been at since his playing days (so we don’t know if he’s going to do a good job or not) surely it would have been a better idea to have a sort of performance related pay system, rather than paying him £60k a week for him to swan around London and refusing to move to the North East!  Where’s the incentives for him?  Despicable little bloke; that he beat up an OAP speaks volumes about him!  Unfortunately it looks like we’re stuck with him for several years !     


    Apart from his credentials in the private sector - property/property development - his football CV is rather thin. Being an executive director of a London-based football player agency doesn't warrant the sort of Galacticos 'recruiter' status some have bestowed upon him.

  7. highly amusing that people are all complaining about personal grudges about Shepherd, rather than lack of understanding about football as has been shown by the current owner and his men.




    Its really just great, that all this embarrassment [for those who actually take notice of phone ins etc] has stopped since Ashley and his men have dumped us into the biggest crisis since 1977-78




    I'm banking on loacal hero Shepherd to save the club rather than plough his money into some mediocre Spanish outfit near a beach resort.


    Yeah, he'll bring back Bellamy and double ticket prices for cockneys.


    And that figure, whom you despise so much, made an unparallelled impact in comparison to some of the blokes you've idolised in recent years.


    Try working on a sense of humour, you self-important twerp.


    Just attended a lesson.


    I'll chuck a smiley in for good measure.




    That should suffice.

  8. With regards to NUFC happenings, for a non-NUFC supporter he usually offered a more objective opinion than some whose finger lies closer to the pulse ie. those who may have posed for photos with, and shared a few ales with a certain club owner.

  9. highly amusing that people are all complaining about personal grudges about Shepherd, rather than lack of understanding about football as has been shown by the current owner and his men.




    Its really just great, that all this embarrassment [for those who actually take notice of phone ins etc] has stopped since Ashley and his men have dumped us into the biggest crisis since 1977-78




    I'm banking on loacal hero Shepherd to save the club rather than plough his money into some mediocre Spanish outfit near a beach resort.


    Yeah, he'll bring back Bellamy and double ticket prices for cockneys.


    And that figure, whom you despise so much, made an unparallelled impact in comparison to some of the blokes you've idolised in recent years.

  10. Believes he could not have done any more. Says we missed out on Rooney, Woodgate, Campbell, Figo and Robbie Keane. Keane was "110%" up for coming here but it was Souness who wanted Luque instead. Shepherd couldn't understand that one. He always wanted proven Premiership players over risking foreign purchases.


    Did Luque not say (when he left the club) that it was Shepherd who signed him, and he couldn't believe the money he was offered

    at the time, etc??


    But fitting in with the rest of the stuff Souness wanted him so Shepherd got him. ;)


    But Souness wnated Boa Morte, who would have cost £5m didn't he? Think Fred's selective memory is kicking in again!


    Not after he signed a new deal with Fulham, in the midst of Souness' expressed interest via the press ie. trying to make the deal happen by attempting to tap-up the player with statements along the lines of '*the lad wants to come' and 'he's a player i like/we want' etc. The manner in which Souness tried to coax him away from Fulham was enough for them to issue a hands-off warning - ie. which did happen - and i don't think they would've sold him to us anyway due to the aforementioned manager's conduct. Coleman played hardball in this instance, and his board backed him by getting to sign a new deal, lifting the asking price in the process.


    Souness tried the same thing with Anelka as well. It's a great way to piss off chairmen & rival managers who hold the keys to that player's registration papers, and to have a potential transfer deal backfire. 


    *more pertaining to the attempted signing of Anelka.

  11. Could we recover from a relegation? It's a tough one to call. We'd be the biggest scalp in the second tier there has been for as long as i can remember, every team would treat us like a cup game, whereas we'd be so down and losing our best players we'd barely have it in us to play. The fans would be gone, the cub financially would become unstable with almost any owner, and the longer it goes on, the more we fade in to oblivion.


    The Championship is a strong league these days, right now with our team, would we even win it? Never mind after the humiliation of relegation and what comes with it.




    Couldn't agree more, and it's a prospect i've raised quite some time ago.......... a prospect some here privately dismissed - or likely - as being overwritten bullshit.


    The forecast for next season, if we're relegated. A promotion campaign isn't necessarily on the cards. It would resemble more of a survival campaign where the team/club will look to consolidate/secure it's place in the league.


    The U/18 results at the minute aren't impressive. A worrying sign for an element that will play a part in the senior first X1 after wage expenditure is reduced in the wake of relegation this year.

  12. On the other hand who is going to want to buy a club that hasn't got any decent players?


    The 400m asking price - ie. which provides an umbrella/a greater scope for downward negotiating, so he can make some sort of profit at least - is his insurance policy if the club is heading towards relegation minus decent players ala Owen & Martins.

  13. should be able to get the 2007 accounts from http://www.football-finances.org.uk/newcastle/nufc2007.pdf


    just for you -  a pound cheaper than from Companies House  :shifty:


    well, after all the scaremongering you've done about us becoming another Leeds through overspending etc it will be interesting [or not in my case anyway] to see you and those who have made links etc to your site, explain how we are heading the way of Leeds because of underinvestment in the team




    I thought they taught grammar in the 60s ??


    I need help with your question/statement. Do you think we are looking bad cos we ran out of money ? Are you trying to say we looked really good under Shepherd cos he spent £114m more thn he took in, in just 11 years. Shepherd was in control up June 2007


    I'm just trying to clarify


    I didn't realise this was under examination conditions. Your own piece is a master of literacy.


    Go on, quit sidestepping and answer his questions.  You know you want to. ;)


    I've answered them at least a couple of years ago.


    macbeth quite simply doesn't understand that football success isn't gained by putting balance sheets before speculation on quality players. The reality check has been posted on numerous occasions. I really can't be bothered with this rubbish. Ashley's preference for balance sheets is going to relegate us. This is why Keegan left. Are you so blind you can't see this ? Care to comment on the rather strange happening that people like him have been insisting for 10 years we were going bankrupt, and more recently "doing a Leeds", when the only thing that is now propelling us in the direction of Leeds is the prudent board, presiding over lack of expenditure on the first team squad, that is "doing a Leeds".


    I did ask mick this question, but true to form, he avoided it.


    I'm not interested in macbeth mate, or anything he says. Sorry like.




    Enough to convince Man Utd's board to restructure their finances in order to secure Rooney's signature a year ahead of schedule, as they were at the time biding their time ie. waiting for next Summer/or January where they would have got a Stretford tapped-up player for a lower fee.


    The antithesis scenario: United's board roll over and allow Rooney to drop into our lap & lose a quality player whom they can build their frontline around for the next ten years or thereabouts, rather than compromise the strength of their balance sheets at the time.


    Enough to convince us to pay for Woodgate over the course of two instalmets. The second instalment was paid, or due to be paid a year after we completed his player registration papers. Enough to convince us to enter a similar arrangement as per Owen although it was borrowed against forthcoming sponsorship money and the repayment schedule was drawn out over a longer timeframe.


    Looking back at Owen's impact, and the key goals he scored for us amidst two years where we've avoided the swing of the relegation axe. I've slept easily despite Ashley's belly aching of having to pay the remaining instalments - ie. incurred debt courtesy of Shepherd - as opposed to the club going to the wall minus Owen's aforementioned impact if the club hadn't bought him.


    On a further note with regards to the mooted quick firesale of Owen in January - ie. negotiated prior to Jan - at a knockdown price to recoup something rather than allow him to move for nothing. Balance the true cost of relegation, and this would be result if the club's only proven 'predatory' goalscorer is offloaded on the eve of or in the midst of a relegation fight, against the recoupment of a couple of million pounds or so. It's lunacy which is dismissive of the bigger picture, and it's a trait of a spreadsheet-orientated owner - ie. as already highlighted by the board in their failed attempt to sell him on the final day of the Summer's window with an already threadbare strikeforce in place


    It's been dismissed as a being a 'flame' remark, but as i've said before 'Spreadsheeters of Ashley's ilk have no place on the football landscape'......club ownership in particular.

  14. he got a brace vs mackems remember though. At least he's done some good for the club


    Certainly pleased all those who were prepared to back Souness until the very end, as that brace kept the executioner's axe from falling.

  15. Takes very little professional pride with his level of performance imo. Absolutely unforgiveable trait for a competitive footballer at any level.


    I'll apologise for the following analogy but smiling & grining like some naughty kid saying '**ck me!i just farted during a class exam' when missing shots on goal in the midst of a tight game when others would try to find a hiding spot when 50000+ set of eyes are targetted upon them, doesn't wash with me. 


    Players have different attitudes when dealing with matchday pressure. This in part relates to their football culture/playing style which are both reflections of their cultures. As an example Brazilians and Germans are the polar opposites to one another with relation to their respective mental approachs ie. their intensity, certainly on the exterior. One thing which always registers, in both sets of players, is the enormity of their missed scoring opportunities, a misplaced pass in the final 1/3 etc.


    What you get with Shola is what somebody else has mentioned, that stupid looking smile. The enormity of the situation - ie. those key goal scoring moments etc - simply doesn't register with him.


    NE5. What do you think of these times? Leaving aside the differences of opinion over who isto blame and so on in the present case, how 'bad' are these times when compared to, say, the late seventies or mid eighties to early nineties? I hated those years but can say that I hate this time all the more, probably because of the time in between. In previous discussions (ahem) with you I've always claimed that FFS was not up to it for five years before he went BUT have we ever had so many supporters so polarised in their views? I can't remember one; even the Lee episode was more player driven. Yet, here we are in the Premier League, probably quite safely. It's perplexing.


    i've deleted all the immature posts from this clip.


    Its' impossible to answer this, without talking about the old board etc, because you are asking me to make a comparison of the club betwen different eras and owners. And when I do that, a lot of people appear to simply not like the truth.


    See this link here, I pretty much agree with most of what is in this. I don't have a link to the original




    I don't really want to go along with the "blame" mentality, the most important thing is to realse where the wants to go. Only the owner really knows.


    I have long suspected that Mike Ashley never reallly had serious intentions to succeed on the pitch with the football club. I never expected Keegan to do his 3 years, because I expected him to realise that they didn't have the ambition that he quite correctly demands of a club which is one of the biggest in the country, but I must admit that i "hoped" we would have had him in charge longer than this.


    I have to say, that a lot of people have been saying they "think" a particlar thing ie a particular sighing, but what they really meant was "hope"



    I've been bitten on the arse too often by this club over the years to think that what I "hope will happen" construes to "what I think will happen".


    I don;t think a short term boycott wil work. I think Ashley will sell the club when he is good and ready. Although I concede a boycott and demonstration makes you feel better if thats what you want to do. Everybody is different.


    Only long term apathy, or a good offer at this time will make Ashey sell the club.



    Couldn't agree more re: the linked post.

  17. This set-up is still open to corruption at the highest level ie. chairmen signing players - ie as a tablet for re-election - whom a manager or may not see as part of their 1st team building plans. Real poaching high profile players from Barca in the past ie. Figo.


    This is also extends to managers not being able to offload 'fan favourites' despite a player being a spent force out on the pitch. Raul, an untouchable figure at Real despite his wavering form, is one case in point.




    Only if fans are daft enough to fall for it. Remember the fans decide who takes over. The manager holds all the cards on who comes in or at least does if thats how the fans decide the club should be run when electing a chairman.


    After having read stuff like 'Ashley is a breath of fresh air' and the like for over a year i have my doubts mate.

  18. It seems that a lot of people think Ashley can be forced to leave NUFC with ease, they are wrong and it will take a stroke of luck (eg fairytale takeover) or a long hard battle.


    Throughout his career he rode roughshod through the business community and never cared for both the people in the industry, or whoever got in his way.


    Without doubt he thinks that he’ll win this in the end.



  19. This set-up is still open to corruption at the highest level ie. chairmen signing players - ie as a tablet for re-election - whom a manager or may not see as part of their 1st team building plans. Real poaching high profile players from Barca in the past ie. Figo.


    This is also extends to managers not being able to offload 'fan favourites' despite a player being a spent force out on the pitch. Raul, an untouchable figure at Real despite his wavering form, is one case in point.



  20. I hope you're right, the last thing we need is for him to bail out now because of the emotional reaction to Keegan going. If our fans continue to force out people like Ashley we'll never get anywhere.


    Obviously he would sell if a massive offer came in, any businessman would.


    I'll bring up the original supporter furore that surrounded Old Trafford when the Glaziers took over United, when there was talk of a possible US-style GM-based system adopted where Glazier's sons would take a more hands-on role in the football front-office. There was talk of Ferguson's influence being diminished in the front-office, to go along with the debts incurred upon the club as a result of the Glazier's buy-in and with it the speculation of a reduced season-by-season transfer kitty & less financial clout given to re-sign players already on the books.


    What United's supporters didn't take into account was Glazier's previous track record at Tampa Bay when they could've simply done a 'Bidwell/settle for mediocrity' and cashed-in on the money appropriated to each club by the NFL on an annual basis, by not chasing gun free-agent recruits. To the contrary they didn't ie. signing K.Johnson is one example. Nor did they did they take into account the true extent of United's strength in the Asian market, that being the European club to have made the most headway into that market. What the Glaziers borrowed to buy-in was in essence a debt which was more than manageable, hence they haven't stood still and adopted a tit-for-tat 'buy & sell' approach while painting a doomsday debt scenario for the club as per Ashley & Mort *where as a sidenote the task balancing the club's transfer expenditure is rated highly on the agenda.


    *our recent club statement.


    It didn't take long for the Glaziers to make their intentions known in terms of backing the manager, if you look at their first 2 or 3 windows. We/our supporters have had the same opportunity to gauge Ashley's ambition in the transfer market. I don't like what i see, and the figures back this up. Over the course of three transfer windows our buying & selling record - where we're bordering on making an operating profit on transfers alone - is taking on the appearance of being a profit making venture for Mr Ashley.



  21. ......................... this refers to him stitching up his business competitors, over replica shirt price-fixing a while back.


    It takes some of set of balls to be a whistleblower, and to accept that one will be potentially be known as a 'rat' for the remainder of their business dealing days. That's the inevitable trade-off when an increased share of the merchandising market is the by-product when one rats-out the competition.


    He's a thick skinned bugger and ruthless, and i'll give him that much.


    I can't see this bloke being forced out of town, and with it selling up for a minimal profit to an interested suitor looking to take advantage of the current climate surrounding SJP.


    Newcastle-Upon-Thames to ride this one through for a while yet, and i hope i'm wrong.




  22. Apologies mods if this has been posted already but;


    The Mag – true faith Newcastle United Fanzines joint statement


    Like many Newcastle United supporters we have been sickened by the events of the last week and the departure of Kevin Keegan from his position as manager of our club. We believe Kevin had little alternative but to resign given the gross incompetence and mismanagement of Dennis Wise, Executive Director of Football and Derek Llambias, Managing Director who like Kevin were appointed by Mike Ashley. While Kevin Keegan remained at Newcastle United the fans trusted that the club was moving forward at last, with Keegan’s departure all trust has gone.


    Both The Mag and true faith believe there has been a fundamental break in trust between board and the support.


    Both true faith and The Mag have been inundated by requests from supporters keen to take action against those within the boardroom of Newcastle United.


    Having read many hundreds if not thousands of e-mails sent into both fanzines we are recommending the following action in protest at its appalling treatment of Kevin Keegan and the entirely unworkable structure it has established at the club, namely around the club’s transfer policy.


    That initial action includes;


    1. An immediate and indefinite boycott of all Newcastle United merchandise to include replica shirts, other club clothing and any items sold at official NUFC outlets. It will also include the non-purchase of all Newcastle United programmes and magazines as well as food, drinks and beverages of any description. This boycott will include raffle tickets, lotteries and any other products associated with Newcastle United Football Club. This to include also a boycott of all club bars including Shearer’s Bar as well as club cafes, official club tours, visits to the NUFC museum and any other activity which generates an income for Newcastle United.


    2. This boycott to be extended to any retail outlet or product owned either in full or in part by Mike Ashley e.g. Sports Soccer, Lillywhites etc.

    We do not advocate a boycott (this is backed up overwhelmingly in the emails we have received) of the game against Hull City at SJP on Saturday 13/Sep/08. Newcastle United’s players have done nothing wrong and certain individuals have behaved impeccably given the manner in which their manager and team-mates have been treated this last week. They remain deserving of our support.


    3. We advocate supporters vocally expressing their disgust against the current regime whether they are at the match or not, which will act as a clear demonstration of the antipathy of supporters towards Ashley, Llambias and Wise. There should be no abuse directed at any Newcastle United player.


    4. We insist that Mike Ashley does not attend away games amongst the travelling support. He is not a Newcastle United supporter and as far as true faith and The Mag are concerned he is not welcome amongst our ranks. If any effort is made by Ashley to attend future away games we would recommend the away support to vocally remind him he is not wanted amongst us. We do not advocate violent disorder of any description.


    Michael Martin,

    Editor, true faith


    Mark Jensen,

    Editor, The Mag



    I think its brilliant.



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