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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. "Eh ? ? ?

    Whats the difference ?

    Do YOU get watched by millions or not ?

    Would he wear an aids badge on "World Aids Day" or whatever ?

    Of course.

    So if he did THAT on screen, why all of a sudden a refusal for a poppy ?"



    oh, you were joking then as well? Silly me.


    Putting quotes in a box is quite easy you know ! ;)

    I hadn't read that he didn't for any  - still more than bit dubious on that - I could swear he HAS done. I watch Channel 4 news more than BBC - always had regarded it as less lefty crap than the Beeb, less right wing crap than most of the rags.


    I still question your assertion regarding AIDS charities, mainly as it's patently not true.

  2. For the record Jon Snow has taken this stance for years, you may not agree with him, but it is a logical ethical position, he wears no such things while presenting the news. If certain alleged newspapers simply said nothing about it who would notice? But no, they like to whip people into a frenzy over apparent disrespect, all of which is way more disrespectful than clubs not sewing a poppy into their shirts, which I assume is the thrust of this thread.

  3. whats the difference ?. it's the fact of being told to do it.


    would you rather he wore it but only because he had to or didn't wear it because to do so in those circumstances would demean it ?

    Eh ? ? ?

    Whats the difference ?

    Do YOU get watched by millions or not ?

    Would he wear an aids badge on "World Aids Day" or whatever ?

    Of course.

    So if he did THAT on screen, why all of a sudden a refusal for a poppy ?


    He doesn't. That's the point....

  4. Man Utd says they couldnt put a poppy on their top because of their top is red and it wont be noticable or some balls but what would be up with putting it on the black V thats comes across the top of it! Scumbags


    Too right. They should be stoned to death for ignoring the centuries old tradition of having poppies on football jerseys.


    Did anyone explain this poppies on shirts thing and WHY it started when it did? As I said before it can only be less than five years at the most.


    Does it actually matter when it started? The whole point is that for one minute people can have a minute to remember that thousands of people died to ensure we are free. I don't care whether people want to wear a poppy or not, or want to spend that minute silently thanking those who made the sacrifice or if they spend the minute silently singing the theme tune of the simpson's in their head. What annoys me is that there are some who won't allow that minute of silence to go ahead because they are ignorant idiots.


    Well yes it does matter, if only for the curiosity value. I mean we've had wars forever, soldiers dying for hundreds and thousands of years, poppies since 1918 but footballers wearing poppies since less than five years ago? It doesn't make sense to me. It's not as if the general public or footballers cares more than they did 30 or 40 years ago, we're just meant to show it more for some reason. I'm sure years ago a minute's silence for Remembrance day was only held if the 11th fell on a Saturday.





    Are you being serious? How can you not understand why public support for the poppy campaign may have increased in the last, I dunno, eight years or so....!?!?


    I'd like to understand exactly why the thread poster feels some clubs aren't showing due respect.


    Who said the clubs aren't? I said some Celtic fans chose to sing republican rebel songs during the minute of silence and that spoiled it for everyone there. Maybe you don't want to show respect for the people who have given their lives so that you can live yours, but to actively disrespect them is just wrong, imo. I don't know why or when the football clubs decided to start to have a minute's silence for remembrance day but in a society so apathetic to most things it is nice to see that some people do want to show respect to the people who died.


    Who said I didn't? It's like talking to children.

  5. Now for the 2600 Posh fans at SportsDirect.Com @ St.James' Park - a good effort but we were given a masterclass in how to get behind your team an make some noise - I'm not talking about 40,000 NUFC supporters just the 500 or so to our right." Best in the business!!!


    From a match report on the posh forum.  :clap:




  6. Man Utd says they couldnt put a poppy on their top because of their top is red and it wont be noticable or some balls but what would be up with putting it on the black V thats comes across the top of it! Scumbags


    Too right. They should be stoned to death for ignoring the centuries old tradition of having poppies on football jerseys.


    Did anyone explain this poppies on shirts thing and WHY it started when it did? As I said before it can only be less than five years at the most.


    Does it actually matter when it started? The whole point is that for one minute people can have a minute to remember that thousands of people died to ensure we are free. I don't care whether people want to wear a poppy or not, or want to spend that minute silently thanking those who made the sacrifice or if they spend the minute silently singing the theme tune of the simpson's in their head. What annoys me is that there are some who won't allow that minute of silence to go ahead because they are ignorant idiots.


    Well yes it does matter, if only for the curiosity value. I mean we've had wars forever, soldiers dying for hundreds and thousands of years, poppies since 1918 but footballers wearing poppies since less than five years ago? It doesn't make sense to me. It's not as if the general public or footballers cares more than they did 30 or 40 years ago, we're just meant to show it more for some reason. I'm sure years ago a minute's silence for Remembrance day was only held if the 11th fell on a Saturday.





    Are you being serious? How can you not understand why public support for the poppy campaign may have increased in the last, I dunno, eight years or so....!?!?


    I'd like to understand exactly why the thread poster feels some clubs aren't showing due respect.

  7. Man Utd says they couldnt put a poppy on their top because of their top is red and it wont be noticable or some balls but what would be up with putting it on the black V thats comes across the top of it! Scumbags


    Too right. They should be stoned to death for ignoring the centuries old tradition of having poppies on football jerseys.


    Did anyone explain this poppies on shirts thing and WHY it started when it did? As I said before it can only be less than five years at the most.


    Does it actually matter when it started? The whole point is that for one minute people can have a minute to remember that thousands of people died to ensure we are free. I don't care whether people want to wear a poppy or not, or want to spend that minute silently thanking those who made the sacrifice or if they spend the minute silently singing the theme tune of the simpson's in their head. What annoys me is that there are some who won't allow that minute of silence to go ahead because they are ignorant idiots.


    Who? Again, be specific.

  8. Understand, but again, why would you not?


    Plus this is getting away from the initial point I was making, was not asking for individuals opinion, rather why would a British football club not respect it! (although is interesting 2hear individuals views!)

    If the Celtic fans wanted to comemerate 1916 you lot would have a lot would have a problem.


    If the Celtic fans don't want to support poppy day they don't have to. If you want to support it then do.


    they DO commemerate the Easter rising, not only annually but in the songs they sing each and every week!


    Again though, you are missing the entire point of the thread!


    I am not expecting each and every individual to respect the appeal, what I do expect is every single British club to honour and respect those men and women who died fighting for their country.



    What do you want? I mean specifically? Saying "respect the appeal" again isn't good enough. Specifics.

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