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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. :undecided:


    Roeder's contract is up right? Was it just one year?


    If so what the hell do we do? If we get rid, it will mean bringing in another manager who will probably need a bit of time to evaluate the team and decide what players he wants etc etc. So in effect next season might pretty much be a wash out too!


    If we keep Roeder he will have to shoulder the responsibility of totally re-building this team and we don't know if he will have the clout or the pull to get it done. also, will Shepherd have enough confidence in him to back him completely?


    This summer could be terrifying...

  2. You are all totally deluded if you think a top manager could come in and make Titus Bramble, Stephen Carr, Huntington, Ramage, Taylor, Babayaro a good team.  Personally, I'm past caring if Roeder is sacked or not.  But you are all pretending this is a good side and that - despite all evidence to the contrary for about 4 or 5 years - they are ready to rocket up the table when Hitzfeld or Hiddink or whoever rides in on his white horse.  The players aren't there at the moment



    Even when they win they look poor most of the time.  This magical turnaround under a new manager theory is based on the notion that players like Parker & Dyer will suddenly pretend its 2001 or 2002 again and return to form they haven't found consistently since then.  And



    A man after my own heart...




  3. I really thought nobody would be thick enough to come out and defend him after that display. Evidently I was wrong.


    My point was that you could blame Roeder all you want but the actual team of players also needs a lot of work as well.


    We are a poor team throughout, from top to bottom.


    Me thick? Your having a laugh...


    I is propa educated dude!

  4. That's my point! Solano has to be brilliant every game or it looks like the whole team can't pass the ball!


    Every good thing comes from Solano or Emre when he is fit to play!


    Did you guys not see Roeder shouting at them to play the ball along the floor in the first half??? The players were incapable of doing it!


    I respect Parker for his heart and determination, but I have rarely ever seen a player lack so much composure in the attacking third. He looks a shockingly limited footballer!


    I'm nnot sure any manager on Earth could have done better with that team...


    To make matters worse, when things go bad we beome so withdrawn and we play scared. We have no bottle as a team.


    The team needs so much work done on it and the players we have to bring in need to be first team players who have achieved things and are very confident. I'm not sure if Roeder's youth policy will be appropriate at this point in time.


    He needs to be careful...

  5. In our whole squad we have only 2 players who can pass the ball consistently well, when on form, and therefore positively affect the game going forward.


    Emre and Solano.


    Nuff said...


    Roeder's biggest test will be getting in more quality players who can do this and who also have the character to galvanize the team. Our captain can't lift the team with his play enough.


    We completely bottled it tonight and not a single one of the players could take responsibility and get our players going...



  6. You really think it would be that ridiclous?


    I think at this moment in time you are seriously over rating Adriano and underating Newcastle!


    If Tottenham could land Berbatov then I think we could definitely get Adriano!


    All the top clubs would want him??? Like who???


    There are a lot of top strikers who have moved ahead of him recently as far as reputations go and so I don't think he will be a priority for many top clubs.


    If we strike early (which is damn near impossible!) we could get him! Trust me!


    Im convinced :thup:


    I thought that might do the trick.

  7. You really think it would be that ridiclous?


    I think at this moment in time you are seriously over rating Adriano and underating Newcastle!


    If Tottenham could land Berbatov then I think we could definitely get Adriano!


    All the top clubs would want him??? Like who???


    There are a lot of top strikers who have moved ahead of him recently as far as reputations go and so I don't think he will be a priority for many top clubs.


    If we strike early (which is damn near impossible!) we could get him! Trust me!

  8. Considering his current situation I think a £10 million price tag would be just about right.


    Martins wasn't dropped because he didn't play well with Adriano! Martins was never a first team player there. In the ultra defensive, every body sit back Italian league, Martins wasn't very well suited.


    Adriano and Martins in the premiership would be a whole different story...

  9. Adriano has absolutely fallen off of the footballing map at the moment...


    Hardly ever mentioned anymore or linked with the top clubs and doesn't seem to be getting a game for Inter or Brazil either!


    Now technically he ain't the greatest in the world and he is very left-footed, but I think the one league where he will excel will be the premiership due to his pace, power and physical play. He would be a beast in the premiership as I always recall his performance in the confederations cup where he tossed Huth around like a rag doll!

    The Italian league is the absolute worst league for him as he doesn't have the level of quality needed to be succesful against the defences there.


    So...turns out we need a target man, would you be happy if we put in a bid? What do you think our chances would be of landing him? Would he be happy to come to us? Please discuss...


    Don't forget Oba could always have a word as well  O0




  10. No surprise there was a huge drop off in our level of play when Milner replaced the Sib.


    In the lead up to the penalty their left back was given acres of space to come forward with no pressure and play the ball that opened us up and directly led to Taylor handling the ball!


    I was screaming at Milner to close him down but for some reason he was just backing off him???!!!


    Milner didn't add a single thing to the game today despite coming on with about 20 mins remaining.


    I still don't see what all the fuss is about...

  11. Ok, What exactly are Martins strengths? Heard he was immense today.... What exactly are Solano's strengths? As we seem to be ignoring any games these players have done well in and all that.


    Whoever told you he was immense today lied to your face.


    Same old Milner, appears to be working hard without getting anything done!


    Dribble moves that don't come off...bad touches...bad passes.....


    Apart from the occassional great shot or cross he is not a consistent threat despite the effort he always appears to give.


    Definitely shouldn't be in the first team.


    I would rather have someone like Benayoun in his position anyday, who will consistently produce REAL quality!

  12. Milner has been one of our better players this season. I'm surprised threads like this are still knocking about.


    But football is all about opinions, even total dogshit ones.  :cheesy:


    i think milner has probably been our best player overall this season but i can actually see his point and think its far from dog s***! he is inconsistent with his crossing and isnt sure sometimes whether to cross or take a man on! his biggest asset by far is his workrate. i do however think that at his age he is an excellent prospect and has plenty of time to gain experience.


    So he's 21 and learning his game, no need for another thread pulling him down tbh.




    Hardly pulling him down am I mate.....


    Please calm down.

  13. Come on, he has been one of our best players this season. Constant threat on the wing, he is much better than last season at villa.


    He is still young and needs to work on his consistency but that will come..


    Your undoubtedly baseing your ficle opinion on tonights game. What would you say if he scored?


    Like I said OCCASSIONALLY does some good things but for you to say he is a constant threat on the wing is pushing it.


    His work rate is really really good, but other than that doesn't do enough for me. His corner kicks are pretty dissapointing as well.....

  14. I think he is an okay player at most at the moment, but it appears many on here think he is a major prospect for us...


    Can any one of those who think so please explain why?


    He occasionally does good things, but the majority of the time our plays breakdown when he gets involved in them. At the moment his passing is below standard as is his crossing of the ball.


    His best attribute for me is his workrate which is really good, other then that I struggle to think of anything else he does consistently well.....


    Still dissapointed by him on the whole tbh.

  15. Roeder is right on this one I'm afraid. I can't believe people are complaining about what we did in the transfer window last summer!!!


    First of all there was a lot of uncertainty last summer and so it was always going to be difficult for us to get all the players we needed to. Don't forget Roeder had only been in the job a few months, and even then his position wasn't that stable due to the fact we still had to contest his appointment due to the badges issue. He hadn't had a chance to set up his staff or a scouting network or anything of the sort!


    To make things even more difficult a freakin' world cup was taking place and this in my opinion was a huge hinderance, as things essentially couldn't get going till the competition was over.


    So here we are now. He has said he has a number of players in mind, but it just so happens their clubs weren't willing to let them go in January and due to the alternatives being so much lesser he has decided to wait till the summer, which will be his first real summer transfer window! If he fails this summer then and only then do we have any reason to doubt the man.


    Oh yeah.....


    Can people stop going on about how Sibierski contradicts his transfer policy!!! Roeder said Sibierski was a player he was familiar with even during his time in the French league so Roeder knew him well. He was also a free transfer, on low wages, who was happy to take a one year deal, and who had a great attitude and was happy o be a squad player! I doubt many of the players offered to us at the end of the window would have come with these terms!


    Roeder's biggest test will be this summer......until then please hold your horses!


    On the whole he has done nothing wrong. We are in a decent, if not ideal, position in the league despite the craziness at this club over the last few seasons. I can also see clear progress in the way we play football, despite missing a lot of our quality players!



  16. Good to see we have waited this long to get a centre half in. Lets hope he is good and with a view to a permanent deal. 24 is a good age to sign a centre half as he should have decent experiance (world cup) and still the potential to improve.


    I feel embarrased that the lad has a nickname like "gooch". Don't want to hear any USA chants around the ground mind.


    Gooch is an awesome nickname!


    Apparently after every tackle he addresses his victim by saying.....


    "Sorry homey, but you just got GOOCHED"



  17. Montella for a start, 6 month loan deal scoring goals for fun at the moment and has a few assists.


    Fair enough but he's as small as Martins and is not particularly quick or explosive.


    Not a striker we should have moved for!


    If anyone I would have thought Carew, but both Babel and Piquionne are rated higher than him so we've done the right thing if we are waiting on those two instead.

  18. If you think about it Roeder isn't going to tell Anal what he's doing as he knows Anal will write it in his paper and within hours everybody would know his plans.




    The one thing Roeder has consistently said is that he would rather keep our transfer dealings dead quiet!


    Personally, I think we have enquired about taking Piquionne on loan but only if the Babel deal falls through......


    HANDS OFF WENGER!!!  >:(

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