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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. 39 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    He had a settled side then  a lot of the key players fell off at club level or got injured. So he dropped nearly all of them. 

    would’ve been better off playing Sterling and Phillips.  That was at least a balanced side.  

    Gallagher and Rice is his second choice CM pairing and it stinks. 


    If he can't figure out a solution then he just isn't good enough man.

  2. 3 minutes ago, midds said:

    I'd love to see this English squad with a manager who had a bit of belief in them and encouraged them to go forward and play aggressively. We need to play on the front foot (apologies for the Pardew-ism), this set of midfielders and attackers are fucking mint but they're constantly being stifled by the dour negative fucker in the dugout who is seemingly scared shitless of letting them get at team. Cut them loose ffs. 




    This team is full of players at teams that press week in and week out. They understand how to go about that.


    Why not take advantage of that? It also suits your footballing identity as a nation, a more aggressive high tempo style.


    None of these guys sit deep for their clubs defensively. You can see they don't even feel comfortable doing it, or know what they're doing.

  3. 4 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    England with an unbalanced but talented squad. Fans with crazy expectations. 



    I feel bad for England fans man.


    If the team at least looked somewhat exciting, energetic or dynamic, I'm sure they'd be a bit more relaxed, even if they didn't win. At least they'd enjoy the matches.


    Having to watch a team with this calibre of players, play so badly, and never win anything ...


    That is some kind of punishment man.

  4. 1 minute ago, Big Geordie said:

    One of the worst performances I've seen from England in a long time. Said earlier it was like watching Bruce's Newcastle, and I wasn't wrong. Got to be down to the manager and the tactics?


    It's 100% the manager man.


    The team doesn't even function a little bit.


    The performances are falling below even an average level with these players?!


    Gareth is a decent guy, but this ain't the gig for him man. It's not for everyone.


    Maybe he'd be a really good pundit or something.

  5. Watching Austria under Ragnick the other night and seeing how well they pressed and unsettled France, I can't even imagine what he'd do with your lot.


    This is all on Southgate. He's just another of these PFM managers man. No real thought, plan or direction to anything that he's doing.


    To have this level of talent and play like this is so unacceptable.


    I haven't even got a stake in the game and it's annoying me so much man!

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