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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. Neymar's rolling around before was ridiculous but it's going to happen all the time now with VAR. For something sly and hidden like what Layun did, players now have a justified reason to put on a display and try and get the video referees to look at it.


    Yea, like everything else, VAR is a double edge sword on theatrics. Rewards it in those cases where an ankle stomp might otherwise be uncaught, while making sure blatant dives where people throw themselves about without being touched aren't rewarded.

  2. That pen /red card rule is shit, denied a guaranteed goal and he only gets booked


    It's funny, I used to think this rule was a very good change, but terrible application today. Supposed to only apply to legit attempts to get the ball, not professional fouls I thought.

  3. Didn’t realise rugby with shoulder pads produced so much aggression in fans! Flipping heck.

    Edit: oops, forgot to mention all the helmets (no offence...).


    It’s clearly baseball they are talking about, jackass



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