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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. I'm not sure how I feel about that interview. It didn't really feel like he was scoring political points or creating leverage, felt more like a resigned shrug. And yet, it wasn't anger or posturing or anything else that indicated he was even close to walking out. Seems like all-in-all, he's coming to terms with being resigned to a long-slog this season and mentally preparing us all for that, including himself.

  2. With all this talk about not getting TV money until next year, it makes perfect sense to be doing as many "loan this year, pay next year" moves as possible. Brilliant stuff.

  3. Fuck, that looks nasty on Torres. Out cold when he went for a header.


    Atleti confirm serve head trauma on Twitter:


    @Torres suffers a traumatic brain injury. He was transferred to the hospital for testing. He will spend the night under observation.




    The reaction of all the other players on the pitch said it all. Scary stuff, clearly something pretty terrible

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